Here's what I use to pull symbols from Enlive into FW/1:

(def ^:private enlive-symbols
  ['append 'at 'clone-for 'content 'do-> 'html-content 'prepend
'remove-class 'set-attr 'substitute])

(defmacro enlive-alias ^:private [sym]
  `(let [enlive-sym# (resolve (symbol (str "html/" ~sym)))]
     (intern *ns* (with-meta ~sym (meta enlive-sym#)) (deref enlive-sym#))))

This pulls in both functions and macros. It hard-codes the alias for
Enlive (html, for net.cgrand.enlive-html) but otherwise should serve
your needs. FW/1 uses it like this:

(doseq [sym enlive-symbols]
  (enlive-alias sym))


On Sun, Jan 6, 2013 at 12:19 PM, the80srobot <> wrote:
> I have come up with a solution to a problem I don't think exists outside of
> my mind, but since I can't for the life of me figure out how Clojure 'wants'
> me to do this, I thought I would bounce this off the Google Group.
> The scenario: I am trying to collect a bunch of functions and macros from
> all the different namespaces in my library into a single namespace; let's
> call the namespace adams-lib.api. The idea is that the consumer of the
> library will only have to include that one API namespace, and not all of the
> little namespaces with parts of the functionality.
> The problem: Obviously, calling (use) doesn't cut it, because the aliased
> vars are not immigrated by subsequent calls to the (use) of the namespace
> that (used) them. You know what I mean.
> The "solution": For functions this is simpler, but macros pose some
> additional challenges, which is why I'm including my "solution" for
> immigrating macros. Hold on to your hats, this one is ugly:
> (defmacro immigrate-macro
>   [ns-sym macro-sym]
>   `(let [ nspublics# (ns-publics '~ns-sym)
>           macro-var# (nspublics# '~macro-sym)
>           macro-fn# @macro-var#
>           macro-meta# (meta macro-var#)]
>     (def ~macro-sym macro-fn#)
>     (. (var ~macro-sym) (setMacro))
>     (reset-meta! (var ~macro-sym) macro-meta#))
>     nil)
> And using it:
> (immigrate-macro adams-lib.some-other-ns some-macro)
> There has got to be a simpler/better/less insane way of doing this. Would
> anyone care to weigh in? For the record, I fully realize that my solution is
> not OK.
> -Adam
> --
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Sean A Corfield -- (904) 302-SEAN
An Architect's View --
World Singles, LLC. --

"Perfection is the enemy of the good."
-- Gustave Flaubert, French realist novelist (1821-1880)

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