Strangely enough, the re-tries continue even when the retry handler
always returns false. I must be misunderstanding things at a
fundamental level.

On Mar 5, 2:33 pm, larry google groups <>
> Out of frustration, I have decided to surpress the re-tries. This
> worries me -- I hate to bury a problem without understanding it. But
> the retries are burying the actual queries. This page:
> says:
> ;; Apache's http client automatically retries on IOExceptions, if you
> ;; would like to handle these retries yourself, you can specify a
> ;; :retry-handler. Return true to retry, false to stop trying:
> (client/post ""; {:multipart [["title" "Foo"]
>                                                ["Content/type" "text/
> plain"]
> ["file" ( "/tmp/missing-file")]]
>                                    :retry-handler (fn [ex try-count
> http-context]
>                                                     (println "Got:"
> ex)
>                                                     (if (> try-count
> 4) false true))})
> So I have re-written my function so that the re-tries are always
> suppressed:
> (defn omniture-call-api [url-with-queue-method api-payload headers]
>   (timbre/spy :debug " return value of omniture-call-api "
>               (try+
>                 (http-client/post url-with-queue-method
>                                   {:body api-payload
>                                    :debug true
>                                    :debug-body true
>                                    :insecure true
>                                    :headers {"X-Api-Version" "2"
>                                              "X-WSSE" headers}
>                                    :content-type :json
>                                    :socket-timeout 4000
>                                    :conn-timeout 4000
>                                    :accept :json
>                                    :client-params
> {"http.protocol.allow-circular-redirects" false
>                                                    "http.useragent"
> "clj-http"}
>                                    :retry-handler (fn [ex try-count
> http-context]
>                                                     false)
>                                    })
>                 (catch Object o (catch-clj-http-exceptions o)))))
> I will have to come back to this later, when I have more time, and try
> to figure out what is going wrong.
> On Mar 5, 2:19 pm, larry google groups <>
> wrote:
> > This is strange. An IOException is thrown, but it seems to do with
> > with the retry, which should never exist in the first place, unless an
> > IOException has been thrown:
> >  clj-http has thrown this exception:
> > {:trace-redirects
> >  ["
> > method=Report.QueueOvertime"],
> >  :request-time 885,
> >  :status 401,
> >  :headers
> >  {"date" "Tue, 05 Mar 2013 19:14:46 GMT",
> >   "server" "Omniture AWS/2.0.0",
> >   "www-authenticate"
> >   "WSSE realm=\"Omniture REST Api\", profile=\"UsernameToken\"",
> >   "xserver" "www811",
> >   "content-length" "90",
> >   "content-type" "application/json",
> >   "connection" "close"},
> >  :body
> >  "{\"error\":\"The nonce
> > (NGQ1ODc4NmU3M2QyY2I5MmIyOTIzOWFiN2Q4ODc1NjQ=) has already been used
> > \"}"}
> > On Mar 5, 12:45 pm, larry google groups <>
> > wrote:
> > > > silly question are you using the call in a sequence pipeline with pmap 
> > > > or
> > > > mapcat or the like? Or does clj-http that under the covers?
> > > Those are good questions. Until I get this working I have been doing
> > > the simplest thing possible, which is simply starting the app, and
> > > then having the app make the call to Omniture as one of the first
> > > things it does on startup.
> > > I will dig into clj-http to see what it is doing under the covers.
> > > I am curious, do you have a suspicion about something? A theory?
> > > On Mar 5, 11:17 am, "Meikel Brandmeyer (kotarak)" <>
> > > wrote:
> > > > Hi,
> > > > silly question are you using the call in a sequence pipeline with pmap 
> > > > or
> > > > mapcat or the like? Or does clj-http that under the covers?
> > > > Kind regards
> > > > Meikel

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