Here's a new syntax that gets rid of everything except for :as and 

(ns two.namespace
  [clojure [core :except (ancestors printf)]]
  [core [matrix math bs]] ; same as (:use (core matrix math bs))
  [[some-ns]] ; same as (:use some-ns)
  [ring.adapter.jetty (run-jetty :as jetty)]
  [ring.middleware.file ("warp-*")] ; refers all functions beginning with 
                                    ; regex not supported because too confusing
  [ring.middleware.file-info (wrap-file-info)]
  [ring.middleware.stacktrace (wrap-stacktrace)]
  [ring.util.response (file-response)]
  [one reload middleware]
  [net.cgrand enlive-html :as html]
  [org.apache.maven.artifact.resolver ArtifactResolver] 
  [ File InputStream])

There are just four key rules to understand:

1) vectors can only contain namespaces and the keywords :as and :except
2) vectors within vectors will refer everything in the the namespaces specified 
in them
3) lists can only contain functions and the keyword :as to rename functions.
4) namespaces are referred by placing a space after the namespace prefix

Also, an added feature/rule is that globbing-based strings can be used to save 
on typing (as shown in the example above).

- Greg

Please do not email me anything that you are not comfortable also sharing with 
the NSA.

On Aug 5, 2013, at 2:31 PM, Jonathan Fischer Friberg <> 

> I forgot to add:
> I think simplicity is really important, and I think one of clojure's strong 
> points are exactly that - simplicity. Simplifying something is not always the 
> right thing to do, but in this case I can't see why it wouldn't. After all, 
> the syntax is almost exactly the same.
> To comment on the message Mark just sent, I don't agree. :)
> I think it's java that is at fault here. I think wildcards should never have 
> been part of java to begin with. The argument here is basically exactly the 
> same as why :use shouldn't be used, so I wont explain it further.
> Jonathan
> On Mon, Aug 5, 2013 at 8:25 PM, Jonathan Fischer Friberg 
> <> wrote:
> There is syntax to ns. It's not syntax in the traditional way, but it's 
> essentially the same thing. And Greg is right that it often causes confusion.
> I +1 the second version. The first version's :as-class was too messy.
> It could very easily be made backwards-compliant as well. All we have to do 
> is check if the first item in the list/vec is a keyword. If it is, then it's 
> the old-style ns. If not, it's the new.
> Jonathan
> On Mon, Aug 5, 2013 at 8:14 PM, Timothy Baldridge <> 
> wrote:
> There's no syntax to ns, ns simply assumes that everything after the 
> symbol/doc is in the form (function-to-execute & args). The only special case 
> is gen-class, and even that is fixed up to look like everything else. Why 
> invent special syntax where none exists now? 
> I think the issue is more around people not understanding the difference (and 
> problems behind) refer vs import instead of an actual problem with the 
> require macro. 
> On that subject when last discussed, it was mentioned that Clojure doesn't 
> have a import * method because it's basically impossible to implement. 
> To quote Rich: "Java packages are not enumerable. The only way to do so is to 
> walk the classpath/jars etc. I don't think import * is a good idea, as it 
> brings more into a namespace than you are going to use, making Clojure's 
> namespace enumeration, e.g. ns-imports, that much less useful. "
> Timothy
> On Mon, Aug 5, 2013 at 11:58 AM, Greg <> wrote:
>> I don't really understand why we would need to simplify something that is 
>> already so simple.
> Because it's not simple to many people. It's one of the main things people 
> use as an example when discussing complexity in clojure.
> There are many threads and blog posts where people explain why they consider 
> the "ns" declaration to be complicated.
>> That being said, if you really want your syntax above, nothing is stopping 
>> you from using your own import function
> When I have time, I might do something like that, but not the way you 
> illustrated, because that's unnecessarily complicated in my view.
> I might either add a hook to to 'ns', or if that's not possible, overwrite it 
> to support both syntaxes, or create a different name, like "include".
> Then it would be this:
> (include two.namespace
>   [clojure :refer-all [core :except (ancestors printf)]]
>   [core :refer-all [matrix math bs]]
>   [ring.adapter.jetty :refer (run-jetty)]
>   [ring.middleware.file :refer (wrap-file)]
>   [ring.middleware.file-info :refer (wrap-file-info)]
>   [ring.middleware.stacktrace :refer (wrap-stacktrace)]
>   [ring.util.response :refer (file-response)]
>   [one :refer [reload middleware]]
>   [net.cgrand :refer [enlive-html :as html]]
>   [org.apache.maven.artifact.resolver :refer ArtifactResolver] 
>   [ :refer File])
> Instead of:
> (ns one.fresh-server
>   (:refer-clojure :exclude [ancestors printf])
>   (:use core.matrix
>         [ring.adapter.jetty :only (run-jetty)]
>         [ring.middleware.file :only (wrap-file)]
>         [ring.middleware.file-info :only (wrap-file-info)]
>         [ring.middleware.stacktrace :only (wrap-stacktrace)]
>         [ring.util.response :only (file-response)])
>   (:require [one.reload :as reload]
>             [one.middleware :as middleware]
>             [net.cgrand.enlive-html :as html])
>   (:import (org.apache.maven.artifact.resolver ArtifactResolver)
>            ( File))))
> - Greg
> --
> Please do not email me anything that you are not comfortable also sharing 
> with the NSA.
> On Aug 5, 2013, at 1:46 PM, Timothy Baldridge <> wrote:
>> I don't really understand why we would need to simplify something that is 
>> already so simple. Teach people the following: 
>> (ns my-namespace
>>   ...calls to import fns...)
>> Where import functions can be either :require or :import:
>> (:import [clojure.lang Number AFn]) ;; use for Java imports
>> (:require [clojure.string :as string :refer [split]]) ;; use for clojure 
>> imports
>> :refer :all can be used to refer everything
>> Boom! everything you need to know to get started with Clojure's ns. What's 
>> the problem?
>> That being said, if you really want your syntax above, nothing is stopping 
>> you from using your own import function, they are pluggable after all:
>> (ns foo
>>   (:println "Hello World"))
>> Hello World
>> => nil
>> So you could easily write something like this:
>> (ns foo
>>   (:simple-ns/simple
>>     [clojure.core match logic async]))
>> Timothy Baldridge
>> On Mon, Aug 5, 2013 at 11:21 AM, Greg <> wrote:
>>> OK, that's enough from me on this for now, gotta run (lot of work to do!).
>> Sorry, after sending that, I couldn't resist simplifying 'ns' even further!
>> (ns two.namespace
>>   "optional doc string goes here"
>>   [core :refer-all [matrix math bs]]
>>   [clojure :refer-all [core :except (ancestors printf)]]
>>   [ring.adapter.jetty :refer (run-jetty)]
>>   [ring.middleware.file :refer (wrap-file)]
>>   [ring.middleware.file-info :refer (wrap-file-info)]
>>   [ring.middleware.stacktrace :refer (wrap-stacktrace)]
>>   [ring.util.response :refer (file-response)]
>>   [one :refer reload]
>>   [one :refer middleware]
>>   [net.cgrand :refer [enlive-html :as html]]
>>   [org.apache.maven.artifact.resolver :refer ArtifactResolver] 
>>   [ :refer File])
>> Look at the beauty of that! :-D
>> Now not only have we gotten rid of :use, :require, :import, :refer-clojure, 
>> but we're starting to chip away at the mountain of keywords and we still 
>> have *all* of the power we had before! We got rid of :as-ns, :as-class and 
>> :all!
>> Keep simplifying till you can't simplify anymore! That's the Lisp way! :-)
>> - Greg
>> --
>> Please do not email me anything that you are not comfortable also sharing 
>> with the NSA.
>> On Aug 5, 2013, at 1:14 PM, Greg <> wrote:
>>>>> (ns one.fresh-server
>>>>>  [core :refer-all [matrix math bs]])
>>>> I like it.
>>> Ideally, the whole thing would be well thought out enough to allow these 
>>> very basic principles to be combined in complicated ways (kinda like the 
>>> idea behind Lisp itself).
>>> Getting rid of ambiguities might help make it more readable and 
>>> "generalizable". For example, it could be specified that vectors can 
>>> contain only namespaces and keywords, and lists can only contain functions.
>>> If that rule is applied, the original example plus the :refer-all keyword 
>>> would look like this:
>>> New School:
>>> (ns two.namespace
>>>   "optional doc string goes here"
>>>   [core :refer-all [matrix math bs]]
>>>   [clojure :refer-all [core :except (ancestors printf)]]
>>>   [ring.adapter.jetty :refer (run-jetty)]
>>>   [ring.middleware.file :refer (wrap-file)]
>>>   [ring.middleware.file-info :refer (wrap-file-info)]
>>>   [ring.middleware.stacktrace :refer (wrap-stacktrace)]
>>>   [ring.util.response :refer (file-response)]
>>>   [one.reload :as-ns]
>>>   [one.middleware :as-ns]
>>>   [net.cgrand.enlive-html :as html]
>>>   [org.apache.maven.artifact.resolver.ArtifactResolver :as-class] 
>>>   [ :as-class])
>>> Now the functions are emphasized as being functions (because only functions 
>>> are allowed in lists).
>>> Notice that this:
>>> [clojure.core :refer-except (ancestors printf)]
>>> Has now changed to:
>>> [clojure :refer-all [core :except (ancestors printf)]]
>>> What if we want to :refer-all everything that's in the first level of the 
>>> namespace? I see no reason why we couldn't just do this then:
>>> [:refer-all [core]]
>>> Or optionally, in the case where there's just one namespace in the vector:
>>> [:refer-all core]
>>> OK, that's enough from me on this for now, gotta run (lot of work to do!).
>>> - Greg
>>> --
>>> Please do not email me anything that you are not comfortable also sharing 
>>> with the NSA.
>>> On Aug 5, 2013, at 12:59 PM, Lee Spector <> wrote:
>>>> On Aug 5, 2013, at 12:41 PM, Greg wrote:
>>>>>> Can you build in a way to get :require :refer :all to work on a bunch of 
>>>>>> sub-namespaces together on one line, as one currently can with :use, 
>>>>>> without listing each namespace completely on a separate line with a 
>>>>>> separate :refer :all?
>>>>> Certainly. I'm not saying this is how the exact syntax would go, but the 
>>>>> general idea is to rely on the keywords to specify what (and how) you 
>>>>> want to import stuff:
>>>>> Instead of:
>>>>> (ns one.fresh-server
>>>>>  (:use (core matrix math bs))
>>>>> You could do something like:
>>>>> (ns one.fresh-server
>>>>>  [core :refer-all [matrix math bs]])
>>>> I like it.
>>>> I can't personally assess the costs and benefits of the overall proposal, 
>>>> but this would address my concern nicely.
>>>> -Lee
>>>> -- 
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>> “One of the main causes of the fall of the Roman Empire was that–lacking 
>> zero–they had no way to indicate successful termination of their C programs.”
>> (Robert Firth)
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> “One of the main causes of the fall of the Roman Empire was that–lacking 
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> (Robert Firth)
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