yestarday I forgot to publish the release 0.0.1. Sorry about that. I did it 
this morning. 

Now it should works.

Could you confirm me please?

Thanks so much.


p.s. In the next release I think I'm going to add both :crossovers and :clix in 
such a way to have a complete starting setup. Have you any more needs to start 

On Nov 1, 2013, at 9:26 AM, Shantanu Kumar <> wrote:

> Hi Mimmo,
> I think it is a really nice project, but I was not able to run it 
> successfully:
> $ lein new cljs-start foo
> Failed to resolve version for cljs-start:lein-template:jar:RELEASE: Could not 
> find metadata cljs-start:lein-template/maven-metadata.xml in local 
> (/home/shantanukumar/.m2/repository)
> This could be due to a typo in :dependencies or network issues.
> If you are behind a proxy, try setting the 'http_proxy' environment variable.
> Could not find template cljs-start on the classpath.
> I saw that on Clojars it has only SNAPSHOT versions are uploaded: 
> -- could that be a reason why it 
> does not automatically download the template? I am running Leiningen 2.3.3 
> with Java 7 on 64-bit Linux.
> Shantanu
> On Friday, 1 November 2013 04:03:32 UTC+5:30, Magomimmo wrote:
> Hi all,
> I just create a simple leon-template to create CLJS libs with batteries 
> included:
> - separation of concerns between the user view and the dev view of the 
> created lib (obtained by using the profiles.clj local to the project
> - http server and brepl (with piggieback by Chas) to bREPLing with the 
> project (everything is kept separated in the profiles.clj)
> - unit test lib included (clojurescript.test by Chas)
> - compilatation included of each build optimisation
> - test-command already defined for phantoms
> - and few other minutiae
> I also started to write a quick README to use it.
> Here is a very quick start
> lein new cljs-start your-project
> cd your-project
> lein compile
> lein test
> To connect with the browser
> lein repl
> >(require '[ring.server :as http])
> > (http/run)
> > (browser-repl)
> Now visit localhost:3000 and wait a moment to go back to repl
> cljs.user> (cemerick.cljs.test/run-all-tests)
> To generate the jar
> lein jar
> Everything is just started, so be benevolent with me. 
> Feedback are appreciated, even the bad ones.
> HIH 
> mimmo
> -- 
> Note that posts from new members are moderated - please be patient with your 
> first post.
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