Hi all,

I've recently released Clidget v0.1.0, a new lightweight CLJS state utility
that allows you to build UIs through small, composable widgets.

Quick links:

   - GitHub <https://github.com/james-henderson/clidget> (README, Rationale
   and Getting Started)
   - Sample 'counter'
   - TodoMVC 

The fundamental idea behind Clidget is to ensure that you can write widgets
declaratively, in traditional Clojure style, as a function that *takes in
immutable values and returns a DOM element*. Then, rather than calling that
function with values, you* call it with atoms*, and Clidget figures out
when each widget needs to be re-rendered.

So, a counter widget would look something like this (using Dommy to create
the DOM element and core.async for event handling - you're free to choose
whatever you like):

(:require [cljs.core.async :as a]
          [dommy.core :as d]
          [clidget.widget :refer [defwidget] :include-macros true])
(:require-macros [dommy.macros :refer [node]]
                 [cljs.core.async.macros :refer [go-loop]]))

(defwidget counter-widget [{:keys [counter]} events-ch]
    [:h2 "counter is now: " counter]
     (doto (node [:button "Increment counter"])
       (d/listen! :click #(a/put! events-ch :inc-counter)))]]))

To include a widget in the page, call it (it’s just a function!), but
provide it with the *atoms* that it needs to watch:

(set! (.-onload js/window)
      (fn []
        (let [!counter (atom 0)
              events-ch (doto (a/chan)
                          ;; 'watch-events!' implemented below
                          (watch-events! !counter))]

          (d/replace-contents! (.-body js/document)
                               (counter-widget {:!counter !counter}

(I'm prefixing the atom with '!', to easily differentiate between
atoms and values)

Finally, we implement watch-events! (no Clidget here):

(defn watch-events! [events-ch !counter]
  (go-loop []
    (when-let [event (a/<! events-ch)]
      (when (= :inc-counter event)
        (swap! !counter inc))

(We could do this inside the widget, given it's only a counter, but
it's probably better to separate it!)


The main design decision behind Clidget was to favour simplicity over
performance (obviously within reason). Clidget does one thing (I hope it
does it well!) - figuring out which widgets to re-render and when. How you
update the state, render the widgets, pass the events, handle the events
etc is completely up to you.

There's no 'magic' in Clidget - you pass in atoms, it behaves pretty much
like Clojure's add-watch function. I've found this to be a really useful
quality when reasoning about applications - it makes the debugging headache
a lot more manageable.

Finally, I wanted to preserve Clojure's composability. One of the benefits
I really enjoy about working with Clojure is the ability to use many small
libraries without worrying about how they'll fit together. If you're a
Hiccup person, you can use your favourite Hiccup-like library; if you're an
Enlive/Mustache person, likewise! In Clidget, this also extends to JS
libraries - when you're working with the DOM elements that will end up on
the page, you can pass them to other JS libraries easily.

I've received a number of requests for a comparison with
Om/Cloact/React - it didn't fit into 140 characters, so it's here


The idea behind Clidget is still very much experimental - I'd be very
interested to hear thoughts and feedback (good, bad, and 'what on
earth were you thinking?!') on the approach and/or implementation,
please let me know! GitHub, Twitter (@jarohen
<https://twitter.com/jarohen>) or through here are all good.

If you've got this far, thanks for reading!


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