
  One thing I miss from pre-Clojure scheme days is as follows:

## What I want

1 => (foo) ;; I'm calling foo at the repl
... foo executes ...
... at some point, an exception is thrown ...

2 => my interpreter _starts a new repl_
  * at the point where the exception was thrown
  * lets me examine local environment variables
  * lets me execute commands
  * lets me "resume" the execution

## Why "it can't work"

Now, I understand why this can not work in general in Clojure, i.e. the
following example:

(defn foo []
  (.someJavaFunctionThatThrowsException object))

In this case, the above is impossible since the exception is thrown from
_java land_ rather than Clojure land.

## Why it might work

Now, I'm not writing any code in java. The work I'm doing is pure clojure.
I can throw when the exception is thrown.

Is there some library, where instead of doing

(defn foo []
  (throw (ex-data ...))

I instead do:

(defn foo []



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