On Jan 25, 2014, at 2:12 AM, Alexandr Kurilin <a...@kurilin.net> wrote:

> I'd love to be able to set breakpoints in a running clojure application, step 
> through the code and inspect locals and the referencing environment. Anything 
> that gets me off of the time-consuming process of adding 
> timbre/clojure.tools.trace statements would be really welcome. Is vim-redl 
> the closest I can get to that, or is ritz the way to go? Any other 
> recommendations?

The paradox is that you can have a simulacra of those features with 
ClojureScript by using :source-map and  Chrome Developer Tools. But AFAIK you 
loose something at the moment (e.g. cljs completion, cljs documentation). 

That said, when the scenario allows it, I always write portable CLJ/CLJS code 
by using cljx plugin. This way I can have an almost full powered REPL 
experience with CLJ REPL and when I really need to set breakpoints or inspect 
locals  (very rare), I switch to CLJS….


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