You can refer-in the first (factory function) to another namespace; for the 
second you'd have to import the class. I prefer the first. The third is 
special syntax for the reader.

As to the last question, I don't know, but it allows you to define your 
own. For example, 

    (defrecord Book [title author] 
      (invoke [this x] (get this x)) 
      (invoke [this x not-found] (get this x not-found)))

    (def b (->Book "Lord of the Rings", "Tolkien"))

    (b :title) ;=> "Lord of the Rings"

But you could alter the behavior as desired.

On Wednesday, April 9, 2014 1:51:01 PM UTC-5, Anthony Ortiz wrote:
> I see that there are several ways of instantiating a record :
> (->Book "Lord of the Rings", "Tolkien")
> (Book. "Lord of the Rings", "Tolkien")
> #user.Book{:title "Lord of the Rings", :author "Tolkien"}
> Questions :
> 1) The second version is referred to as the "original" version so I'm 
> wondering which is the preferred method. 
> 2) Why is the third version not within a list? I thought that for the 
> language to consider something "callable" it had to be the first argument 
> in a list (eg : (+ 1 2))
> 3) The record that is returned via (def b [version of choice goes here]) 
> is treated as a map when using the form (:title b) but doesn't treat it as 
> a map when using the form (b :title) which seems pretty inconsistent to me; 
> is there are valid reason for this inconsistency? I'm sure I'm missing 
> something.
> Thanks! 

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