Sorry I have been late to react to all this, since I'm the one who started 
it all.

First, *as a side note* : I have nothing against docstrings. I acknowledge 
their benefits, I think we should keep using them and I enjoy them every 
day like all of you. My point was just that they were not enough for all 
documentation, I probably wasn't very clear on that. Stop shooting :)

@Fergal : thanks for such a great tour. It seems I have a lot of catching 
up to do before I have a keen understanding of the currently existing 
options. Nevertheless, I'll try to make a relevant contribution to the 

  Given some of the answers, I'd like as a precaution emphasize the fact 
that I'm not trying to "sell" you a documentation system nor impose a 
dogma. My intent in proposing these approximative features was that, 
through some refining, some proposing and some discarding, the discussion 
will converge to a precise idea of what we want for documentation and how 
we should do it.

  As for what Gregg and Sean objected - that Clojure code is 
self-sufficient as documenting itself - I have to simply disagree. I do not 
want to have a theoretical discussion on this, because I think it's 
pointless; it is an empirical observation to me that foreign Clojure code 
tends to be difficult to understand. I have felt that pain, many times and 
despite all my stubbornness, which is why I finally posted here. I I'm the 
only one, please tell me.

   I think it is very important to raise the awareness of all Clojure 
programmers, especially library authors, that there is a significant 
asymmetry of information here : namely, it's easier than ever to go from 
intent to code, and much harder to go the way back. I see it at work when I 
edit my own code too : the programs seem to organize themselves naturally 
as I write them, sometimes in such a mechanical way that I have 
difficulties finding names for the abstractions I program, and I do get a 
crystal-clear understanding of them; but I'm quite sure that it would be 
very obscure to me if I had not witnessed the process. Try to make a Ring 
middleware or a monad self-explanatory with just code and a schema.

  Undoubtedly, library authors will feel this duty of documentation like a 
hinderance. I believe this is a necessary tradeoff to make. Besides, if 
you're code changes so fast that documentation quickly becomes obsolete, 
isn't that a sign that your API isn't ready to be exported?

  Anyway, I think speculating about the necessity of such a documentation 
system is not the best thing to do - I suggest we give it a try, and then 
everyone can decide for themselves if it's useful. After all, it's in 
Clojure, so this should not take too long, right ? ;)
 samedi 26 avril 2014 18:39:04 UTC+2, Val Waeselynck a écrit :
> Hello to all,
> *Short version :* I think Clojure needs a documentation system in 
> Clojure, I would like to know if some efforts exist in that direction, and 
> I am willing to create it / contribute to it.
> *Long version :*
> I've been thinking for a while that the Clojure community could benefit a 
> lot from a more sophisticated and ergonomic documentation system. 
> I have seen some existing plugins like lein-sphinx, but I think it would 
> be really good to have documentation that would be written in Clojure, for 
> the following reasons :
>    - we're all very fond of Clojure data structures and their syntax. (I 
>    don't know about you, but I find that even HTML looks better in 
> Clojure<>than in HTML). Plus, Clojure 
> programmers already know how to edit them.
>    - (better reason) The facts that Vars are first-class citizens and 
>    that symbols can be referred explicitly with hardly any ceremony (macros) 
>    are a exceptional opportunity to make smart and highly-structured 
>    documentation very easily.
>    - if it's in Clojure, Clojure programmers can seamlessly build *ad 
> hoc*documentation functionality on top of it to suit their own particular 
> needs.
> I haven't found anything of the like yet, and if it exists, I would be 
> grateful if someone would redirect me to it.
> Here are *my thoughts on this :*
>    1. Clojure doc-strings, although they are quite handy as reminders and 
>    for doc-indexation, are *too raw a content*. Even when they are done 
>    right, they tend to be cumbersome, and it's too bad to have such concise 
>    code drown in the middle of so much documentation. What's more, I believe 
>    that when programmers program a function (or anything), they tend to think 
>    more about the implementation than the (uninformed) usage, so they have 
>    little incentive to make it right.
>    2. Building on 1. having a system where documentation and programs 
>    live in separate files, in the same way as tests, would enforce a healthy 
>    separation of concerns. Importantly, it would make life much easier on the 
>    Version Control perspective.
>    3. Documentation should probably be made differently than what people 
>    have got accustomed to by classical languages. Because you seldom find 
>    types, and because IMHO Clojure programs are formed more by factoring out 
>    recurring mechanisms in code than from implementing intellectual 
>    abstractions, the relevant concepts tend not to be obvious in the code. 
>    Since in Clojure we program with verbs, not 
> nouns<>,
>    I think *documentation is best made by example*.
>    4. Documentation of a Var should not be a formal description of what 
>    it is and what it does with some cryptically-named variables. *Every 
>    bit of documentation should be a micro-tutorial*. Emphasis should be 
>    put on usage, examples, tips, pitfalls, howtos.
>    5. There should be structure in the documentation, and it shouldn't be 
>    just :see-also links - *there should be semantics* in it.  For 
>    example, some functions/macros are really meant to be nothing but 
>    shorthands for calling other functions : that kind of relationship should 
>    be explicitly documented.
>    6. Documentation should not be just information about each separate 
>    Var in a namespace. There should be a hierarchy to make the most useful 
>    elements of an API more obvious. Also, adding cross-vars documentation 
>    elements such as tags and topics could make it easier to navigate and 
>    understand.
>    7. *Documentation in the REPL is great*, it was one of the very good 
>    surprises when I started learning Clojure. However, a rich and 
> good-looking 
>    presentation like in Javadocs would be welcome too.
> Of course, all of the above are just vague principles. Here is *some 
> functionality I suggest for a start :*
>    1. Documentation content elements could be written in a Clojure DSL 
>    emulating some kind of docbook-like markup language.
>    2. On the user side, the documentation would be accessible through a 
>    generated web interface, a REPL interface, and maybe other formats like 
>    Wiki.
>    3. Documentation could be programmed anywhere in a project by simply 
>    referring to the relevant Vars and calling the documentation API. Ideally, 
>    there would be a dedicated folder for documentation files, and a Leiningen 
>    plugin to compile them and generate the HTML from them.
>    4. I often find myself lost because I have no idea what shape some 
>    arguments to a function should have, such as config maps and maps 
>    representing application-specific models. To adress this, I propose to 
>    explicitly declare and describe *"stereotypes"* in the documentation. 
>    Such stereotypes could be, for instance, "JDBC connection" or "Ring 
>    middleware". From what I have seen, some good 
> work<>has already been done in that 
> direction, but it would be good to make room 
>    for it in documentation.
>    5. Weigh the documentation contents by importance, to allow for 
>    displaying the documentation with several levels of details.
>    6. Cross-vars, semantic documentation with *topics*, *tags*, and 
>    *links*. *Topics* would group several API elements together to explain 
>    a technique or concept; they could have a :prerequisite relationship 
>    to help the reader navigate them. I imagine *tags* giving hints on 
>    various aspects of a Var, such as :curried for a function, or :utility, 
>    or :use-with-caution, etc. *Links* could be such things as the famous 
>    :see-also, but could also represent more precise relationships, such 
>    as :calls-to, :often-used-with, :similar-to, etc.
>    7. In addition to small, Var-specific, self-contained code samples, 
>    there could be larger examples (e.g sample applications), and pointers 
> from 
>    the documentation to specific points in these examples.
>    8. There could be other types of documentation than just static 
>    description, such as exercises, koans, quizzes, etc.
> I would like to know what work has already been done in that direction, 
> and if you agree that this is useful, I am willing to help design and 
> implement it.
> Your reactions are very welcome.
> Bests,
> Valentin Waeselynck.

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