> Bidirectional routes are indeed especially important to render and dispatch 
> routes in Om etc. In secretary its a bit awkward since you have to write 
> stuff like (defroute front-page "/" [] :front-page) and then a separate 
> thingie for matching the keywords back to the routes.

We have written several Om applications at work and this style of routing has 
never been a source of problems. The `defroute` macros does , perhaps 
unfortunately, provide the dual concern of adding a route to the global routes 
(which we plan to remove) and, optionally, giving you a route generator 
function if you name it (which we'll probably keep). We added this additional 
option because we felt that these two concerns came up frequently enough in the 
same context that it should just be convenient to do them at the same time. 
That is to say, every time we created a route we would have a function for 
generating a url to go with it.

> On the other hand secretary will probably serve non-React apps well with its 
> dispatch actions when you dont have React lifecycle methods.

I think this observation is a bit misguided. We have actually found Secretary 
to be solid in practice and that it works *very* well with Om and React. If you 
interpret route changes as a top level state transition this becomes easy to 

Each of our routing functions returns all of the data necessary to transition 
the app to the next state such as route parameters, view name, etc. Since 
secretary/dispatch! returns the result of the routing function, we can pass 
that data to a transition function which handles the actual mutation of the 
global application state. Each view name is mapped to a component which then 
receives the application state, so and so forth. This allows us to treat each 
of our main views as if they were pages (except much better, of course).

This actually fits in with the lifecycle perfectly because the 
mounting/unmounting for a "view" component can be thought of as visiting and 
leaving a page. It works out nicely for situations like route and query 
parameter changes.

tl;dr an Om and Secretary combination does work. In fact, our routes.cljs 
(where we defroute) and history.cljs (where we dispatch!) are files we rarely 
edit because this design works without much fuss. To recap the pattern for this 
looks like:

(Google History) hash change token → dispatch! → data → transition! (Om)

In conclusion, I would argue that the choices you make about how you manipulate 
your application state will have more consequences than the routing library you 

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