Clojars has become a critical part of the clojure ecosystem. As a small
sample, it hosts artifacts for:

* Web development - ring, compojure, hoplon, hiccup, enlive, friend,
* Tooling - lein templates/plugins, cider-nrepl, clojure-complete,
* Clojurescript - lein-cljsbuild, austin, om, reagent, sente
* Misc - Clojurewerkz projects, storm, incanter, clj-time, cheshire,
* Company projects - pedestal, dommy, schema

Vulnerabilities like shellshock and heartbleed always require quick
response. An insecure clojars service could lead to compromised systems in
multiple companies, potentially any project that used an artifact from it.
A similar situation exist for maven central, rubygems, apt, and other

There are other administration tasks such as verifying backups, server
updates, better response time to deletion requests, and potentially the
need to handle unexpected downtime. Additionally, development time is
needed for the releases repo w/ signatures, CDN deployments, additional UI
work, and more.

Currently clojars is maintained by a collaboration between 3 very spare
time people. Vulnerabilities get attention due to the damage potential.
However, being a spare time project many of the other tasks languish until
required, or wait behind the queue of life's requirements. I'd love to
change that.

I've been a co-maintainer for clojars for two years. I implemented the
https deployment, better search, and download statistics for clojars. I've
handled most of the deletion requests over the past year. I've also got
work in leiningen including almost everything related to dependency
resolution and trees.

I want your help.

Do you work at a company that runs clojure in production?  Does it have a
financial interest in a well maintained and secure clojars service? Would
it be interested in sponsorships, business features, or another arrangement
that produces value? Then I request you email me. I want to create a
sustainable path for this critical piece of the clojure ecosystem.

Nelson Morris

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