You mentionned RedHat Linux centric type corporations. There are a lot more 
businesses that are not Linux
centric business wise. They use it but provide something else on top.
Did you even read this article against your own statement ? :)

A huge number of occasional contributors were not reluctant to log a ticket and 
submit a patch
instead of ranting about it.

This is the main point you missed. That 'entry barrier' of yours does not stand 
with Linux.
I would think hard about the reasons behind these numbers.
There has to be some value added in the process of submitting patches.

Luc P.

On Sat, 18 Jul 2015 23:02:30 +0300
Bozhidar Batsov <> wrote:

> On 18 July 2015 at 22:52, Luc Préfontaine
> <> wrote:
> > Each linux kernel release involves hundreds of people.
> > Many release had above a thousand contributors.
> > This is for your enlightenment and are old figures:
> >
> >
> >
> Did you even read this article? "75% – The share of all kernel
> development that is done by developers who are being paid for their
> work." This doesn't exactly contract what I said.
> >
> > There are as many people not officially hired to work for linux
> > operating system
> > focused businesses that submit patches through the ticketing system.
> >
> > As for the development lifecycle of the linux kernel:
> >
> >
> > You can read the other sections, if you find the Clojure dev.
> > lifecycle arcane, you will
> > freak at this one.
> > Obviously, these guys must all be old fashion outdated folks in
> > this era of instant
> > communication and snapchat like media, there's no other explanation
> > for such a
> > bureaucratic process :)
> >
> > How much pain is it to upgrade to a new Clojure version ? Nil.
> > How much pain is it to upgrade to a new linux kernel ?
> > Not nil but considering the size of this project, its ramifications
> > and the hardware
> > changing every 6 months, not big. On par with Clojure I would say.
> >
> > How much pain to upgrade to a new version of Ruby on Rails ?
> > Huge. I know, I have been through this a number of times. Not just
> > major releases, even maintenance ones are a nightmare to upgrade.
> >
> > Disclaimer: I am not saying that Rails has a bad lifecycle, I am
> > just stating feedback
> > from me and other people that actually lived this. Gee, I sound like
> > Mallard Fillmore...
> >
> > That's for the political correctness of this post. And to avoid
> > being harassed, sued, whatever.
> >
> > I would like us to compare carrots with carrots, not with apples or
> > strawberries but if
> > you insist....
> >
> > To me the result is utterly important.
> > We deliver 24/7 software under linux using Clojure. We have up
> > times of more than 300 days. One upgrade a year. This is the world
> > that live into.
> >
> > Making it 'harder to contribute' like you state is the price to pay
> > for some form of
> > quality control. Contributing to something that eventually crumbles
> > because of a
> > lack of QA is of no value. To us all.
> >
> > Stuart has made this evaluation. Since it models by some aspect how
> > a successful
> > project like Linux is managed, I find it hard to throw a stone at
> > the current lifecycle.
> >
> > That may look to you as an ultra-conservative approach. Let's put
> > it this way,
> > I would use Linux and Clojure to control a nuclear plant anytime.
> >
> > I am quite certain sure I would not use Rails or Ruby for this
> > purpose.
> >
> As this conversation isn't really going anywhere I'll keep my
> thoughts to myself.
> >
> > Luc P.
> >
> >
> > Luc P.
> >
> > Sent from my iPad
> >
> > On Jul 18, 2015, at 14:32, Bozhidar Batsov <>
> > wrote:
> >
> > On 18 July 2015 at 20:18, Luc Prefontaine
> > <> wrote:
> >
> >> Aaah ! The pull request looms again :)
> >>
> >> A bug tracking system is essentialy to coordinate efforts, pull
> >> request are not a mechanism to track fixes/improvements and
> >> discuss about them. That may work for a very small team. The # of
> >> clojure contributors far excess that size.
> >>
> >
> > So, Ruby on Rails is a small project, right? And if we have many
> > contributors we should show no respect for their time - we should
> > actually make it harder to contribute, so it'd be easier on us,
> > right?
> >
> >
> >>
> >> Pull requests/gitbhub issues are used by Clojure library
> >> maintainers outside of the core,
> >>  their respective contributor team size makes this usable.
> >>
> >> Choosing one tracking system is a feat by itself, Jira does
> >> everything albeit it may be a beast to configure.
> >> I think that the choice of Jira predates moving the Clojure code
> >> from google to github but I may be wrong.
> >> The github tracking system was not at par with Jira features at
> >> that time anyway.
> >>
> >
> > Many projects predate GitHub, yet they eventually adopted it. And
> > it's never about GitHub in particular - it's only about making
> > things efficient and pleasant for everyone involved. I work with
> > JIRA for a living and my team mostly hates it, I can only imagine
> > the willingness of casual contributors to deal with it. How do you
> > do an inline patch review in JIRA? How do you update patches
> > automatically? It's never about particular tools, it's all about
> > making smart choices.
> >
> >
> >>
> >> Once that choice is done, moving out to something else requires a
> >> significant effort, you need to pull all this history you built
> >> about your software into your new bug tracking solution. You can't
> >> loose this, it's your software collective memory.
> >>
> >> All this discussion around pull request IMO is more an expression
> >> of human lazyness. Having to document is always seen as a
> >> chore by most developpers. ‎This is not an arcane human trait, it
> >> has been known for decades.
> >>
> >
> > Laziness? Time is our most important resource and we should always
> > be mindful of the time people have to invest (waste) to contribute
> > to our projects. For me lowering the bar to entry is the same as
> > respecting the time of the person on the other end of the
> > ticket/patch/whatever. If you take a look at my profile on GitHub
> > you'll see I maintain a few projects and I go to great lengths to
> > make sure all the projects are inviting and it's easy for people to
> > start a conversation or pitch in. This pays off big time in the
> > long run.
> >
> >
> >>
> >> Anything else requires a discussion forum if you want to maintain a
> >> minimal level of quality and allow some discussions around the
> >> issue being fixed
> >> in a large team effort/critical piece of software. A mailing list
> >> is not at par with a bug tracking system in this regard.
> >>
> >> Curiously, linux has a bug tracking system and people submit
> >> patches or links are made to patches.
> >> Take a walk on launchpad.
> >>
> >
> > Curiously, most of the people who work on Linux are on the payroll
> > of a corporation like Red Hat. If I was getting paid to do
> > something, I'd definitely be more willing to through more hurdles -
> > after all that's part of my job, right?
> >
> >
> >>
> >> No serious software business would drive their dev without a
> >> tracking system. Open source projects are no
> >> different if they want to attain some level of success. If
> >> critical open source is to be used by businesses, it has to
> >> play with similar tools. Clojure too me is critical to my business
> >> and to many others. It cannot fail on us.
> >> It would be like building pyramids on moving sand.
> >>
> >> Again there's no Kumbaya song playing here.
> >>
> >> As a last note, Alex Miller must dream about the emails exchanged
> >> on the mailing list.
> >> Suggestions are certainly looked upon and discussed upstream. It
> >> does not mean that they will be considered
> >> worth to investigate/implement or they may come out differently
> >> (that ego thing looming again).
> >>
> >
> > Alex is an amazing fellow, there's no denying this. I only wish we
> > could clone him somehow. :-)
> >
> >
> >>
> >> +1 for Jira and patches.
> >>
> >> Luc P.
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> On Sat, 18 Jul 2015 19:05:16 +0300
> >> Andrey Antukh <> wrote:
> >>
> >> > On Sat, Jul 18, 2015 at 6:48 PM, Colin Yates
> >> > <> wrote:
> >> >
> >> > > +1 (although I maybe wouldn’t be so mocking in my tone ;-).
> >> > > Since when did software design by committee work; anyone
> >> > > remember J2EE? (and yes, that does deserve my mocking tone).
> >> > >
> >> > > I have no idea about the details being discussed here/why
> >> > > people’s noses are out of joint, but I can think of as many
> >> > > success with a single overlord in place as there are failures
> >> > > caused by political infighting.
> >> > >
> >> >
> >> > In general, I'm pretty happy with the "benevolent dictator"
> >> > approach. But some openness would be awesome. As first think
> >> > that comes in my mind is: have a clear roadmap for Clojure and
> >> > its core libraries such as core.async.
> >> >
> >> > Some channel for requesting features, and the ability to know a
> >> > opinion of the clojure core team about the possibility of the
> >> > inclusion of some requested feature.
> >> >
> >> > Also would be awesome have more painless contribution process.
> >> > I'm ok for signing CA, but using patches instead of something
> >> > like pull requests (with or without additional review tool) is
> >> > very arcane and uncomfortable process.
> >> >
> >> > I don't suggest to change to something similar to "design by
> >> > committee". I only suggest that make some facilities for
> >> > contribute may attract more interesting people. And will make
> >> > more happy excellent contributors like Zach Tellman or Aphyr.
> >> >
> >> > I think that things like this are not very complicated to adopt
> >> > and has a lot of benefit.
> >> >
> >> > My two cents!
> >> >
> >> > >
> >> > > On 18 Jul 2015, at 16:44, Luc Prefontaine
> >> > > <> wrote:
> >> > >
> >> > > Sure, indentation is what gets the code running on metal :))
> >> > >
> >> > > Not ranting here, just my abs dying from the pain as I
> >> > > laugh :))
> >> > >
> >> > > As for the contrib process, go have a look at Linux. You'll be
> >> > > happy that Rich is cool by every meaning of the word.
> >> > >
> >> > > There's this misconception about open source that we should
> >> > > all wear flower collars and sing Kumbaya. Mostly a 60's view
> >> > > of human collaboration.
> >> > >
> >> > > That ain't the way to get it done.
> >> > > It works for ants and termites, they work as groups but we are
> >> > > human beings with our strong individuality.
> >> > >
> >> > > Some form of central control is needed. Opposed by traction
> >> > > from some individuals that would like to move faster or in
> >> > > other directions.
> >> > >
> >> > > This is ok but not at the expense of the cohesion of the end
> >> > > result.
> >> > >
> >> > > Hence this tensed balance.
> >> > >
> >> > > Rich created Clojure, he knows were he wants to go with it. Any
> >> > > ideas we bring in the process is evaluated. However not all of
> >> > > them make sense or are worth the effort to implement.
> >> > >
> >> > > Aside from our respective ego being hurt because our ideas are
> >> > > not retained or our contribs vetted in the first pass there's
> >> > > little damage done.
> >> > >
> >> > > If it was not the case Clojure would have zero traction and
> >> > > Linux likewise. Search for Linus rants about contributors and
> >> > > try to relate this with the level of success of Linux.
> >> > >
> >> > > They are not so many open source projects that have the same
> >> > > stability from release to release as Clojure or Linux.
> >> > >
> >> > > Control and absence of complacency are key factors to achieve
> >> > > this kind of success.
> >> > >
> >> > > Luc P.
> >> > >
> >> > > Sent from my iPhone
> >> > >
> >> > > On Jul 18, 2015, at 07:13, Andrey Antukh <> wrote:
> >> > >
> >> > > Hi!
> >> > >
> >> > > I have some, maybe controversial, questions...
> >> > >
> >> > > A little bit of context:
> >> > >
> >> > >
> >> > > Why this is like a normal approach for managing third party
> >> > > contributions to clojure core? This kind of things the only
> >> > > discourages the contributions. Maybe I don't have more context
> >> > > about this concrete case, but seems is not a unique.
> >> > > And in general, I have the perception that the clojure
> >> > > development process is a little bit opaque...
> >> > >
> >> > > An other question: Why the great amount of clojure compiler
> >> > > code has no indentation style and bunch of commented code.
> >> > >
> >> > > It is indented like a freshman. Sorry, I don't want offend any
> >> > > one, but eyes hurt when reading the code compiler clojure
> >> > > (obviously I'm speaking about the look and feel, and no the
> >> > > quality of the code).
> >> > >
> >> > > Some examples:
> >> > >
> >> > > Indentation (or maybe no indentation):
> >> > >
> >> > >
> >>
> >> > >
> >> > > Bunch of commented code and also no indentation:
> >> > >
> >> > >
> >>
> >> > >
> >> > > If you compare some clojure compiler code with different code
> >> > > snippets from other languages, the indentation is clearly more
> >> > > cared:
> >> > >
> >> > > Kotlin:
> >> > >
> >>
> >> > > Rust:
> >> > >
> >>
> >> > > Ceylon:
> >> > >
> >>
> >> > >
> >> > > This is a random list of code snippets from different
> >> > > compilers with indentation that is more human friendly.
> >> > >
> >> > > I don't intend judge any one, but when a I learn Clojure
> >> > > compiler I expect something different. I expect something more
> >> > > carefully done.
> >> > >
> >> > > No body thinks the same thing that me?
> >> > >
> >> > > I think that have a sane, more open contribution policy, with
> >> > > clear and more cared code formatting, is not very complicated
> >> > > thing and is going to favor the clojure and its community.
> >> > >
> >> > > Andrey
> >> > > --
> >> > > Andrey Antukh - Андрей Антух - <>
> >> > >
> >> > >
> >> > >
> >> > > --
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> >> >
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> --
> >> Luc Préfontaine
> >>
> >> SoftAddicts inc.
> >> Québec, Canada
> >> Mobil: +1 (514) 993-0320
> >> Fax: +1 (514) 800-2017
> >>
> >> Rabat, Maroc
> >> Mobil: +1 212 6 98 00 64 47
> >>
> >>
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Luc Préfontaine

SoftAddicts inc.
Québec, Canada
Mobil: +1 (514) 993-0320
Fax: +1 (514) 800-2017

Rabat, Maroc
Mobil: +1 212 6 98 00 64 47

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