Is it possible to have dynamic selectors in kioo?

The app i'm writing is a simple form with many input fields, and wanted to 
generalise each input component by passing in the tag to match against, e.g.

(defn editable [data owner {:keys [edit-key input-field] :as opts}]
    (init-state [_]
      {:editing false})

    (render-state [_ {:keys [editing]}]
      (let [text (get data edit-key)
            minput (keyword (str "input#" (name edit-key)))]
         "public/fragments/f1.html" [input-field]
         {[input-field] (do-input-field text edit-key data owner)})))))

;; do-input-field sets the :value attr and various listen handlers on the input 

(defn form-app [data owner]
    (render [_]
       "public/fragments/f1.html" [:#header]
         (om/build editable data {:opts {:edit-key :name :input-field 

the app data being:
{:name "initial name" :address "initial address"} etc

and my form is simply:
  <input id="name"/>
  <input id="address"/>
  ... etc

but this doesn't seem to work. Is this possible?

I'm ultimately trying to build the form using the keys from the app-data and 
matching them to form inputs directly, even in the form-app function, but 
getting just 1 field to work would be a good start.

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