I use a mixin for this purpose all the time!

(defmixin go-loop-aware
  (init-aware [owner]
              {:chans {:mounted (async/chan)}})
  (will-unmount [owner]
                (async/close! (om/get-state owner [:chans :mounted])))
  (go-loop-aware [owner read-chan callback]
            (when (exists? js/window)
              (let [mounted (om/get-state owner [:chans :mounted])]
                (go-loop []
                  (when-some [v (first (async/alts! [read-chan mounted]))]
                             (callback v)

I like the kill channel solution better personally since like Daniel point out, 
it doesn't require the read-chan to be owned or controlled by the component. 

When [:chans :mounted] is closed, the go-loop exits. I always use when-some 
over when-let here since when-let would close the go block if false was ever 
submitted to your read channel, whereas when-some only evaluates (not= nil)

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