Cannot say without the rest of the code but I what is in (:transformations 
resp)? sorted-set doesn't work if one item doesn't compare to another (eg. 
numbers vs maps).


(def a (atom #{}))
=> (var user/a)
(reset! a (into (sorted-set) [1 2 2 2 3]))
=> #{1 2 3}
(conj @a {:name "test"})
ClassCastException clojure.lang.PersistentArrayMap cannot be cast to 
java.lang.Comparable (

Doesn't look like a core.async issue?


On Wednesday, December 24, 2014 11:19:04 AM UTC+1, Sven Richter wrote:
> Hi,
> Using the latest core.async (v0.1.346.0-17112a-alpha) updating a sorted set 
> results in an error.
> I have this code:
> (defn get-transformations []
>   (go (let [[ok resp] (<! (h/get-async "/csv/all-transformations"))]
>         ;(when ok (reset! sess/transformations-cur (:transformations resp)) 
> ;works
>         (when ok (reset! sess/transformations-cur (into (sorted-set) 
> (:transformations resp))) ;does not work
>                  (println (conj @sess/transformations-cur {:name "test"}))))))
> where transformations-cur is a reagent cursor on a reagent atom.
> The second reset throws this error (Actually the error occurs on updating the 
> cursor (conj @sess/transformations-cur {:name "test"})):
> Uncaught Error: compare on non-nil objects of different types in 
> ioc_helpers:41
> Are sorted sets not supported?
> How do others keep there sets / lists sorted in the UI?
> Of course I could sort it every time I display it, but it seems to be more 
> correct to keep it sorted inside the state.
> Best Regards,
> Sven

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