FWIW there is absolutely no need to ship a production/development version of 
the code. The Closure Compiler is perfectly capable of minifying any JS source 
(NOT advanced optimize, just minify).

Therefore the full JS + externs would be enough.

As a build tool author I don't quite agree with using a naming convention to 
detect the files (eg. *.inc.js, ...). You could never package more than one 
file this way since there would be no way to tell the compiler: file Y needs to 
be added before file B.

There are some efforts in the Closure Compiler to support AMD, CommonJS, ES6 
modules. I haven't looked closely but we might even be able to :advanced 
compile any JS code in the future. Don't know if that works yet though (or if 
that even is the goal).


PS: we also need to rethink some of this stuff for HTTP/2 ... but thats a topic 
for another day. I believe the goog.module efforts are motivated by that.

On Monday, January 5, 2015 6:19:56 PM UTC+1, Martin Klepsch wrote:
> CLJSJS [1] is an effort to package Javascript libraries + their respective
> extern files and provide tooling to integrate them into your project.
> Traditionally interoperability features are a big deal for Clojure.
> In Clojurescript however things are not as straightforward. There are
> no mechanisms to depend on Javascript libraries that work smooth
> accross all optimization modes. CLJSJS aims to change that.
> Popular libraries like React, Hammer.js, jQuery and more have already
> been packaged for you and can be depended on via Clojars:
>      [cljsjs/react "0.12.2-2"] etc.
> If you're using the Boot build tool relying on one of those libraries
> is straightforward[2] and even transitive CLJSJS dependencies will "just 
> work".
> With Leiningen things are more manual, contributions to make
> this easier are very welcome.
> You can read more about CLJSJS on the project homepage.
> I'm very excited to hear what you think!
> [1] http://cljsjs.github.io
> [2] https://github.com/cljsjs/packages#using-a-package

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