You can't use the :modules feature in 0.0-2850 you need to use master. You
can do this by git cloning the repo and running "./script/build" from the
repo directory. You'll see Maven install it into your local cache, take
note of the version number. Use this in your project.clj.


On Tue, Feb 17, 2015 at 9:33 PM, Edwin Park <> wrote:

> Hi David,
> I was super excited to see Google Closure Module support landed in
> ClojureScript, but I can't get it to work. I'm using clojurescript
> 0.0-2850. I created some dummy cljs files and I'm literally using the
> example configuration shown in the documentation here:
> However when I compile, none of the module output-to files are generated.
> Details of my setup are below. If you can point out what I'm doing wrong
> I'd appreciate it - I'm really looking forward to using this!
> Thanks,
> Edwin
> Here are the contents of the resources/assets dir after compilation (lein
> cljsbuild once). Note that these are the intermediate output files created
> by the compiler but the actual output-to files are missing:
> resources/assets/js/cljs/core.cljs
> resources/assets/js/cljs/core.js
> resources/assets/js/com/foo/common.js
> resources/assets/js/com/foo/editor.js
> resources/assets/js/com/foo/landing.js
> resources/assets/js/constants_table.js
> Here is my project configuration and the dummy files I'm compiling:
> project.clj:
> (defproject foo "0.1.0-SNAPSHOT"
>   :description "FIXME: write description"
>   :url "";
>   :license {:name "Eclipse Public License"
>             :url ""}
>   :plugins [[lein-cljsbuild "1.0.4"]]
>   :dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure "1.6.0"]
>                  [org.clojure/clojurescript "0.0-2850"]]
>   :cljsbuild {:builds [{:source-paths ["src/cljs"]
>                         :compiler {:optimizations :advanced
>                                    :output-dir "resources/assets/js"
>                                    :modules {
>                                              :common
>                                              {:output-to
> "resources/assets/js/common.js"
>                                               :entries '#{}}
>                                              :landing
>                                              {:output-to
> "resources/assets/js/landing.js"
>                                               :entries '#{}
>                                               :depends-on #{:common}}
>                                              :editor
>                                              {:output-to
> "resources/assets/js/editor.js"
>                                               :entries '#{}
>                                               :depends-on #{:common}}}}}]})
> src/cljs/com/foo/common.cljs:
> (ns
> (defn blah [x]
>   (str "[" x "]"))
> src/cljs/com/foo/landing.cljs:
> (ns
>   (:require [ :refer (blah)]))
> (defn land [x]
>       (str "landing:" (blah x)))
> src/cljs/com/foo/editor.cljs:
> (ns
>   (:require [ :refer (blah)]))
> (defn edit [x]
>       (str "editing:" (blah x)))
> --
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