> Cheers Thomas. When you have the likes of a containing element. How do you 
> handle the wrap when defstyled returns a ReactElement?
> (defstyled container :div
>  [_]
>   {:display "flex"})

Not sure I understand the question? ReactElements can have children, which this 
fully supports.

(defstyled things :div
  {:display "flex"})

(defstyled thing :div
  {:flex 1
   {:flex 2}})

(things {}
  (thing {} "one")
  (thing {:classes ["wide"]} "two")
  (thing {} "three"))

If you are talking about styles that should only apply when B is contained in A 
you can do this

(defstyled A :div

(defstyled B :div
  {:normal "styles"
   {:inside-a "styles"}})

I just relaxed the requirements for nesting a bit, previously you had to wrap 
it in a vector and supply a suffix.

(defstyled B :div
  {:normal "styles"
   [A ""]
   {:inside-a "styles"}})

But with [thheller/shadow-client "1.0.183"] you can do the above version 
without the vector.  The suffix is so you can refer to parent selectors as well.

I have used this once in my project

(defstyled control-group :div
  {:margin-bottom 20
   {:display "flex"}

   {:margin-bottom 0}

(defstyled control-label :div
    (css/rule "&.select"
      {:line-height 37})
    (css/rule "&.bold"
      {:font-weight "bold"})
    (css/nested-rule [control-group ".inline"]
      {:flex 1})))

(css/...) is the little more verbose syntax, which the maps desugar too. Could 
have used a map, wrote that before I had the map syntax.

The result of this is (assuming "test" ns):

div.test--control-group {...}
div.test--control-group.inline {...}
div.test--control-label {...}

;; and the nested rule:
div.test--control-group.inline div.test--control-label {..}

Hope that answers your question.


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