On Wednesday, May 17, 2017 at 3:51:14 AM UTC+2, Jiyin Yiyong wrote:
> I don't like the way of writing `x.assoc(null, 'foo', 'bar')` by myself. Also 
> I don't people would accept that.

I wouldn't as well, but that was an example to show that you can use CLJS code 
directly without modifying it in any way.

import { assoc } from "shadow-cljs/cljs.core";
assoc(null, "foo", "bar");

also works. assoc is an ugly example because of the leading null but it is the 
shortest form to replace the CLJS {} empty map literal. {} would mean empty JS 
object which doesn't work with assoc.

> I see the problem now. ClojureScript compilers may have tricky behaviors that 
> make it different from CoffeeScript's compiling processes.

The compiler is pretty straightforward actually, the tricky parts are the 
version conflicts. If there was a way to ensure that everything always used the 
exact some compiler configuration/version this would be possible, but there is 

> Putting `x.cljs` files in npm is fine, it's just slower. To me compiling 
> ClojureScript is always slower, I already accepted that.

[:script] Build completed. (23 files, 1 compiled, 0 warnings, 0.12s)

I think 0.12s is pretty fast. That is running in --dev mode recompiling one 
changed file with hot-reload enabled.

Of course it is slower if you always run "shadow-cljs --once" which includes 
starting the JVM each time. "shadow-cljs --dev" will be substantially faster 
when re-compiling.

> I think here are may main concerns:
> * in js projects, we regard code in `node_modules` are modules instead of 
> source code. For web projects using Webpack, I would prefer using a 
> 'compiled/' folder to hold the code and then config `resolve.alias` to make 
> sure I import the code with `require('cljs/foo.bar.core')`. 
> https://webpack.js.org/configuration/resolve/

Not sure what you mean. Where is the difference in putting code into 
node_modules or compiled then using webpack? The behavior is identical, the 
node_modules version just doesn't need the resolve.alias? Both versions require 
that you have your code compiled before running webpack, which directory you 
load them from should be automatic?

> *  For nodejs projects, somehow I can accept the solution that we use 
> `require('../../compiled/foo.bar.core')`. But I guess it may bring problems, 
> which makes your `shadow-cljs` solution a better choice...

Yes, I hate relative paths. Actually the output folder where things end up is a 
config option. So if you really wanted to have your compiled folder that can be 
done. I just don't see an upside to it.

> * does shadow-devtools compiled cljs files incrementally? If it does, Webpack 
> may use it to hot replace module.

Yes, incrementally. Don't know anything about HMR but shadow-devtools already 
has hot-reloading (ala figwheel) built-in. I just didn't enable it yet because 
other things were more important.

Can't tell if Webpack HMR would work since I have never used it.

Thanks for the feedback, I hope I lessened your concerns.

Keep it coming.

Remember: this is evolving as we discuss it, I have no idea what JS devs want 
so without feedback I'll be building what I want. That may or may not align.

Note that posts from new members are moderated - please be patient with your 
first post.
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