> not quite! core.async doesn't allow you to cancel a go-block (to my 
> knowledge), which JS allows.  I added a section on this:
> https://beta.observablehq.com/@shaunlebron/proposal-generators-and-async-functions-in-clojurescript#coreasync
This is incorrect. Closing a channel can be used to "end" a loop. In 
addition it is possible to use alt! or alts! with an additional "control" 
channel (or more) and "selecting" which channel to work on.

(defn foo []
  (let [ch (async/chan)]
    (go (loop [i 100]
          (when (pos? i)
            (<! (async/timeout 1000))
            (when (>! ch i)
              (recur (dec i)))))
        (prn :loop-terminated))

(go (let [ch (foo)]
      (prn (<! ch))
      (prn (<! ch))
      (async/close! ch)
      (prn (<! ch))))

In addition the "loop" is dependent on the "ch" reference. If that gets 
garbage collected the loop will be as well, similar to generators or 

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