I tried to reproduce this issue on my VM with Fedora 36 beta, which is
encrypted with LUKS . The partition layout shown in the Clonezilla live
3.0.0-21 command line prompt:

NAME        FSTYPE  LABEL MOUNTPOINT                               SIZE
loop0       squashf /usr/lib/live/mount/rootfs/filesystem.s  295M
sr0         iso9660 3.0.0-21-amd64 /run/live/medium                         354M
nvme0n1 20G
├─nvme0n1p1 vfat 600M
├─nvme0n1p2 xfs 1G
└─nvme0n1p3 crypto_ 18.4G

Attached please find the details about saving it with Clonezilla. I did
not encounter any issue as you have mentioned.


On 5/6/22 15:25, l0f4r0--- via Clonezilla-live wrote:
Hi Steven,

4 mai 2022, 16:29 de ste...@narlabs.org.tw:

We have some improvements about LUKS in Clonezilla live >= 3.0.0-21:

Please give it a try and let us know the results.

I upgraded from stable 2.8.1-12 to testing 3.0.0-21 but this is not better : 
clonezilla continues to shutdown all my LV/VG before cloning.

Thanks in advance.l0f4r0

Clonezilla-live mailing list

Steven Shiau <steven _at_ stevenshiau org>
Public Key Server PGP Key ID: 4096R/163E3FB0
Fingerprint: EB1D D5BF 6F88 820B BCF5  356C 8E94 C9CD 163E 3FB0
root@debian:~# clonezilla

NCHC Free Software Labs, Taiwan

┌───────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ Clonezilla - 
Opensource Clone System (OCS) 
│ *Clonezilla is free (GPL) software, and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY*    
│ ///Hint! From now on, if multiple choices are available, you have to press 
space key to mark your selection. An asterisk (*) will be shown when the        
│ selection is done///                                                          
│ Two modes are available, you can                                              
│ (1) clone/restore a disk or partition using an image                          
│ (2) disk to disk or partition to partition clone/restore.                     
│ Besides, Clonezilla lite server and client modes are also available. You can 
use them for massive deployment                                               │
│ Select mode:                                                                  
│                                        device-image  work with disks or 
partitions using images                                                         
│                                        device-device work directly from a 
disk or partition to a disk or partition                                        
│                                        remote-source Enter source mode of 
remote device cloning                                                           
│                                        remote-dest   Enter destination mode 
of remote device cloning                                                       │
│                                        lite-server   
│                                        lite-client   
│                                               <Ok>                            
                       <Cancel>                                              │

Clonezilla mode is device-image

NCHC Free Software Labs, Taiwan

┌────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ Mount Clonezilla 
image directory ├────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
│ Before cloning, you have to assign where the Clonezilla image will be saved 
to or read from. We will mount that device or remote resources as              │
│ /home/partimag. The Clonezilla image will be saved to or read from 
│ Select mode:                                                                  
│                                           local_dev     Use local device 
(E.g.: hard drive, USB drive)                                                   
│                                           ssh_server    Use SSH server        
│                                           samba_server  Use SAMBA server 
(Network Neighborhood server)                                                   
│                                           nfs_server    Use NFS server        
│                                           webdav_server Use_WebDAV_server     
│                                           s3_server     Use_AWS_S3_server     
│                                           enter_shell   Enter command line 
prompt. Do it manually                                                          
│                                           ram_disk      Use memory (OK for BT 
from raw device)                                                             │
│                                           skip          Use existing 
/home/partimag (Memory! *NOT RECOMMENDED*)                                      
│                                               <Ok>                            
                       <Cancel>                                              │

ocsroot device is nfs_server
Network is already configured! Available IP address on this machine:
Preparing the mount point /home/partimag...
Mounting remote directory on NFS (Ver 3) server as /home/partimag...

NCHC Free Software Labs, Taiwan

                                                  ┌────────────────────┤ NFS 
version ├─────────────────────┐
                                                  │ Which version of NFS 
service do you want to mount?     │
                                                  │                    nfs  NFS 
v2, v3                     │
                                                  │                    nfs4 NFS 
v4                         │
                                                  │             <Ok>            
     <Cancel>              │

NCHC Free Software Labs, Taiwan

                                  ┌──────────────────────────────────┤ Mount 
NFS server ├──────────────────────────────────┐
                                  │ IP address or FQDN of the server. E.g. or hostname.domainname.org:     │
                                  │                        <Ok>                 
           <Cancel>                        │

NFS server is:

NCHC Free Software Labs, Taiwan

                             ┌──────────────────────────────────────┤ Mount NFS 
server ├───────────────────────────────────────┐
                             │ The directory where the Clonezilla image will be 
saved to or read from, Ex /home/partimag/:     │
                             │                           <Ok>                   
            <Cancel>                           │

The path in nfs server is: /home/partimag/
nfs-common service is necesary for NFS client. Start it now...
Mounting NFS server by:
LC_ALL=C mount -t nfs /home/partimag -o 
Created symlink /run/systemd/system/remote-fs.target.wants/rpc-statd.service → 
The file system disk space usage:
SOURCE                          FSTYPE SIZE  USED AVAIL USE% TARGET nfs      9T  4.5T    4T  50% /home/partimag
Press "Enter" to continue......
Setting the TERM as screen
Starting /usr/sbin/ocs-sr at 2022-05-07 08:54:00 UTC...
Start preparing device name cache files in /tmp/ocs-cache//...
Finding all disk(s)...
Finding all partition(s)...
Generating dev filesystem/size/type info cache files...

NCHC Free Software Labs, Taiwan

                                        ┌───────────────┤ Clonezilla - 
Opensource Clone System (OCS) ├───────────────┐
                                        │ Choose the mode to run the following 
wizard about advanced parameters:     │
                                        │             Beginner Beginner mode: 
Accept the default options             │
                                        │             Expert   Expert mode: 
Choose your own options                  │
                                        │             Exit     Exit. Enter 
command line prompt                       │
                                        │                    <Ok>               
         <Cancel>                    │

Choose the mode for ocs-sr

NCHC Free Software Labs, Taiwan

┌────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ Clonezilla - Opensource 
Clone System (OCS): Select mode 
│ *Clonezilla is free (GPL) software, and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY*    
│ This software will overwrite the data on your hard drive when restoring! It 
is recommended to backup important files before restoring!***                  │
│ ///Hint! From now on, if multiple choices are available, you have to press 
space key to mark your selection. An asterisk (*) will be shown when the        
│ selection is done///                                                          
│                                           savedisk            
│                                           saveparts           
│                                           restoredisk         
│                                           restoreparts        
│                                           1-2-mdisks          
│                                           recovery-iso-zip    
│                                           chk-img-restorable  
│                                           cvt-img-compression 
│                                           encrypt-img         
│                                           decrypt-img         
│                                           exit                Exit. Enter 
command line prompt                                                             
│                                               <Ok>                            
                       <Cancel>                                              │

Clonezilla image dir: /home/partimag
Shutting down the Logical Volume Manager
Finished Shutting down the Logical Volume Manager

NCHC Free Software Labs, Taiwan

┌──────────────────────────────────────────────┤ Clonezilla - Opensource Clone 
System (OCS) | Mode: savedisk ├───────────────────────────────────────────────┐
│ Input a name for the saved image to use.                                      
│ Some reserved image names have special meanings, including "ask_user", 
"autoname", "autoname-*" "autohostname", and "autoproductname". Please check    
│ Clonezilla website for more details.                                          
│                                               <Ok>                            
                       <Cancel>                                              │

The image name is: fedora36-beta-luks-20220507
Finding all disks and partitions..
Excluding busy harddisk.....
Excluding linux raid member partition....
Disk number: 1

NCHC Free Software Labs, Taiwan

┌──────────────────────────────────────────────┤ Clonezilla - Opensource Clone 
System (OCS) | Mode: savedisk ├───────────────────────────────────────────────┐
│ Choose local disk as source.                                                  
│ The disk name is the device name in GNU/Linux. The first disk in the system 
is "hda" or "sda", the 2nd disk is "hdb" or "sdb"... If multiple choices are   │
│ available, press space key to mark your selection. An asterisk (*) will be 
shown when the selection is done                                                
│    [*] nvme0n1  
│                                               <Ok>                            
                       <Cancel>                                              │

Selected device [nvme0n1] found!
The selected devices: nvme0n1

NCHC Free Software Labs, Taiwan

┌─────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ Clonezilla advanced extra 
parameters | Mode: savedisk ├──────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
│ Which clone program(s) and what priority do you prefer? Program priority 
means that if the file system is not supported by the first program, the next   
│ program will be used. E.g. If you choose "Priority: ntfsclone > partimage > 
dd", then if the file system is xfs, Clonezilla will try to use ntfsclone      │
│ first, and of course, xfs is not supported by ntfsclone, so Clonezilla will 
try to use partimage with dd being the last program to try if that does not    │
│ work.                                                                         
│                                             -q2  Priority: partclone > 
partimage > dd                                                                  
│                                             -q1  Priority: Only dd (supports 
all filesystem, but inefficient)                                              │
│                                             -q   Priority: ntfsclone > 
partimage > dd                                                                  
│                                                  Priority: partimage > dd (no 
ntfsclone)                                                                   │
│                                               <Ok>                            
                       <Cancel>                                              │

NCHC Free Software Labs, Taiwan

┌─────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ Clonezilla advanced extra 
parameters | Mode: savedisk ├──────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
│ Set advanced parameters (multiple choices available). If you have no idea, 
keep the default values and do NOT change anything. Just press Enter. (If       
│ multiple choices are available, press space key to mark your selection. An 
asterisk (*) will be shown when the selection is done):                         
│    [*] -c                 Client waits for confirmation before cloning        
│    [*] -j2                Clone the hidden data between MBR and 1st partition 
│    [*] -nogui             Use text output only, no TUI/GUI output             
│    [ ] -a                 Do NOT force to turn on HD DMA                      
│    [ ] -batch             Run clone in batch mode (DANGEROUS!)                
│    [ ] -rm-win-swap-hib   Remove page and hibernation files in Win if exists  
│    [ ] -ntfs-ok           Skip ckecking NTFS integrity, even bad sectors 
(ntfsclone only)                                                                
│    [ ] -rescue            Continue reading next one when disk blocks read 
│    [ ] -gm                Generate image MD5 checksums                        
│    [ ] -gs                Generate image SHA1 checksums                       
│    [ ] -gb                Generate image BLAKE2 checksums                     
│    [ ] -gmf               Generate checksum for files in device after saving  
│    [ ] -noabo             Image not only accessible by owner                  
│    [ ] -ps                Play sound when the job is done                     
│    [ ] -scpt              Skip checking the partition table of the source 
disk is MBR or GPT format                                                       
│                                               <Ok>                            
                       <Cancel>                                              │

NCHC Free Software Labs, Taiwan

                        ┌─────────────────────────┤ Clonezilla advanced extra 
parameters | Mode: savedisk ├─────────────────────────┐
                        │ Choose the compression option. If you have no idea 
keep the default value and do NOT change anything.     │
                        │           -z1p Use parallel gzip compression, for 
multicore/CPU                                           │
                        │           -z1  gzip compression (fast with a smaller 
image)                                               │
                        │           -z2p Use parallel bzip2 compression, for 
multicore/CPU                                          │
                        │           -z2  bzip2 compression (slowest but 
smallest image)                                             │
                        │           -z3  lzo compression (faster with image 
size approx. to that of gzip)                           │
                        │           -z4  
                        │           -z5p 
                        │           -z5  
                        │           -z6p 
                        │           -z6  
                        │           -z7  
                        │           -z8  
                        │           -z8p 
                        │           -z9  
                        │           -z9p 
                        │           -z0  No compression (fastest but largest 
image size)                                            │
                        │                              <Ok>                     
             <Cancel>                               │

NCHC Free Software Labs, Taiwan

┌─────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ Clonezilla advanced extra 
parameters | Mode: savedisk ├──────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
│ The size in MB to split the partition image file into multiple volumes files. 
Use "0" if you do not want to split the image file. //NOTE// For the FAT32   │
│ image repository, the number should be between 1 and 4096. Do not use "0" 
because the file size limit is 4096 MB for FAT32.                               
│                                               <Ok>                            
                       <Cancel>                                              │

NCHC Free Software Labs, Taiwan

┌─────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ Clonezilla advanced extra 
parameters | Mode: savedisk ├──────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
│ Choose if you want to check and repair the file system before saving it. This 
option is only for certain file systems which are well supported by fsck on  │
│ GNU/Linux, like ext2/3/4, reiserfs, xfs, jfs, vfat. Not for NTFS, HFS+...     
│                                         -sfsck   Skip checking/repairing 
source file system                                                              
│                                         -fsck    Interactively check and 
repair source file system before saving                                         
│                                         -fsck-y  Auto (Caution!) check and 
repair source file system before saving                                         
│                                               <Ok>                            
                       <Cancel>                                              │

NCHC Free Software Labs, Taiwan

┌─────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ Clonezilla advanced extra 
parameters | Mode: savedisk ├──────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
│ After the image is saved, do you want to check if the image is restorable? 
///NOTE/// This action will only check the image is restorable, and it will not 
│ write any data to the harddrive.                                              
│                                                                Yes, check the 
saved image                                                                  │
│                                                          -scs  No, skip 
checking the saved image                                                        
│                                               <Ok>                            
                       <Cancel>                                              │

NCHC Free Software Labs, Taiwan

┌─────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ Clonezilla advanced extra 
parameters | Mode: savedisk ├──────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
│ Do you want to encrypt the image?                                             
│ If yes, eCryptfs program will be used to encrypt the image. It uses 
industry-standard cryptographic ciphers, key generation, and passphrase 
protection     │
│ mechanisms. Without your salt/passphrase or private key, nobody will be able 
to retrieve your data.                                                        │
│ //NOTE// You have to remember the passphrase, otherwise the image will _NOT_ 
be usable in the future.                                                      │
│                                                              -senc  Not to 
encrypt the image                                                               
│                                                              -enc   Encrypt 
the image                                                                      │
│                                               <Ok>                            
                       <Cancel>                                              │

NCHC Free Software Labs, Taiwan

                                          ┌──────────────────────────┤ Mode: 
savedisk ├───────────────────────────┐
                                          │ The action to perform when 
everything is finished:                    │
                                          │  -p choose    Choose 
reboot/shutdown/etc when everything is finished  │
                                          │  -p true      Enter command line 
prompt                               │
                                          │  -p reboot    Reboot                
                                          │  -p poweroff  Shutdown              
                                          │                  <Ok>               
       <Cancel>                   │

PS. Next time you can run this command directly:
/usr/sbin/ocs-sr -q2 -c -j2 -nogui -z9p -i 0 -sfsck -senc -p choose savedisk 
fedora36-beta-luks-20220507 nvme0n1
This command is also saved as this file name for later use if necessary: 
Press "Enter" to continue...
Activating the partition info in /proc... done!
Selected device [nvme0n1] found!
The selected devices: nvme0n1
Searching for data/swap/extended partition(s)...
Finding all disks and partitions..
Excluding busy partition.....
Excluding linux raid member partition......
Unmounted partitions (including extended or swap): nvme0n1p1 nvme0n1p2 nvme0n1p3
Collecting info.... done!
Shutting down the Logical Volume Manager
Finished Shutting down the Logical Volume Manager
The data partition to be saved: nvme0n1p1 nvme0n1p2 nvme0n1p3
Activating the partition info in /proc... done!
Selected device [nvme0n1p1] found!
Selected device [nvme0n1p2] found!
Selected device [nvme0n1p3] found!
The selected devices: nvme0n1p1 nvme0n1p2 nvme0n1p3
Getting /dev/nvme0n1p1 info...
Getting /dev/nvme0n1p2 info...
Getting /dev/nvme0n1p3 info...
The following step is to save the hard disk/partition(s) on this machine as an 
Machine: VMware7,1
-> "/home/partimag/fedora36-beta-luks-20220507".
Are you sure you want to continue? (y/n) y
OK, let's do it!!
Shutting down the Logical Volume Manager
Finished Shutting down the Logical Volume Manager
Found LUKS device. Do you want to open it?
If yes (y), you will be prompted to enter passphrase to open the LUKS device.
If no (n), the LUKS device will not be opened, and sector-by-sector (dd) mode 
of Clonezilla will be used.
[y/n] y
Found LUKS device:  nvme0n1p3
We have to open LUKS device now. You will be prompted to enter passphrase for 
each one of them.
Extracting initramfs: /tmp/ird_mnt.Zed/initramfs-5.17.5-300.fc36.x86_64.img... 
Found LUKS crypttab file in 
/tmp/ird_mnt.Zed/initramfs-5.17.5-300.fc36.x86_64.img. Appending it to 
Running: cryptsetup luksHeaderBackup --header-backup-file 
The LUKS mapped device name was not found in this file: 
Will name it arbitrarily. However, if the restored OS depends on that specified 
name, it might fail to boot.
5 4 3 2 1
Now open the LUKS device: /dev/nvme0n1p3
Running: cryptsetup open --type luks /dev/nvme0n1p3 ocs_luks_DkF
Enter passphrase for /dev/nvme0n1p3:
Starting saving /dev/nvme0n1p1 as 
/dev/nvme0n1p1 filesystem: vfat.
Checking the disk space...
Use partclone with zstdmt to save the image.
Image file will not be split.
If this action fails or hangs, check:
* Is the disk full ?
Running: partclone.vfat -z 10485760 -L /var/log/partclone.log -c -s 
/dev/nvme0n1p1 --output - | zstdmt -c -3 --rsyncable > 
/home/partimag/fedora36-beta-luks-20220507/nvme0n1p1.vfat-ptcl-img.zst 2> 
Partclone v0.3.20 http://partclone.org
Starting to clone device (/dev/nvme0n1p1) to image (-)
Reading Super Block
Calculating bitmap... Please wait...
Elapsed: 00:00:01, Remaining: 00:00:00, Completed: 100.00%
Total Time: 00:00:01, 100.00% completed!
File system:  FAT32
Device size:  629.1 MB = 1228800 Blocks
Space in use:   7.6 MB = 14888 Blocks
Free Space:   621.5 MB = 1213912 Blocks
Block size:   512 Byte
Elapsed: 00:00:02, Remaining: 00:00:00, Completed: 100.00%, Rate: 228.68MB/min,
current block:      14928, total block:    1228800, Complete: 100.00%
Total Time: 00:00:02, Ave. Rate:  228.7MB/min, 100.00% completed!
Syncing... OK!
Partclone successfully cloned the device (/dev/nvme0n1p1) to the image (-)
Cloned successfully.
Checking the disk space...
>>> Time elapsed: 2.36 secs (~ .039 mins)
Change mode to 600 for these files: 
Finished saving /dev/nvme0n1p1 as 
Starting saving /dev/nvme0n1p2 as 
/dev/nvme0n1p2 filesystem: xfs.
Checking the disk space...
Use partclone with zstdmt to save the image.
Image file will not be split.
If this action fails or hangs, check:
* Is the disk full ?
Running: partclone.xfs -z 10485760 -L /var/log/partclone.log -c -s 
/dev/nvme0n1p2 --output - | zstdmt -c -3 --rsyncable > 
/home/partimag/fedora36-beta-luks-20220507/nvme0n1p2.xfs-ptcl-img.zst 2> 
Partclone v0.3.20 http://partclone.org
Starting to clone device (/dev/nvme0n1p2) to image (-)
Reading Super Block
Calculating bitmap... Please wait...
Elapsed: 00:00:01, Remaining: 00:00:00, Completed: 100.00%
Total Time: 00:00:01, 100.00% completed!
File system:  XFS
Device size:    1.1 GB = 262144 Blocks
Space in use: 166.5 MB = 40639 Blocks
Free Space:   907.3 MB = 221505 Blocks
Block size:   4096 Byte
Elapsed: 00:00:08, Remaining: 00:00:00, Completed: 100.00%, Rate:   1.25GB/min,
current block:     197217, total block:     262144, Complete: 100.00%
Total Time: 00:00:08, Ave. Rate:    1.2GB/min, 100.00% completed!
Syncing... OK!
Partclone successfully cloned the device (/dev/nvme0n1p2) to the image (-)
Cloned successfully.
Checking the disk space...
>>> Time elapsed: 9.19 secs (~ .153 mins)
Change mode to 600 for these files: 
Finished saving /dev/nvme0n1p2 as 
Setting up the Logical Volume Manager
  1 logical volume(s) in volume group "fedora_fedora" now active
Parsing LVM layout for ocs_luks_DkF ...
fedora_fedora /dev/mapper/ocs_luks_DkF YqJkdQ-BYe3-a1oy-NT0u-RyDk-8fZ0-a0b14y
Parsing logical volumes...
/dev/fedora_fedora/root  SGI XFS filesystem data (blksz 4096, inosz 512, v2 
Saving the VG config...
  Volume group "fedora_fedora" successfully backed up.
Checking if the VG config was saved correctly...
Saving /dev/fedora_fedora/root as filename: fedora_fedora-root. 
/dev/fedora_fedora/root info: SGI XFS filesystem data (blksz 4096, inosz 512, 
v2 dirs)
Starting saving /dev/fedora_fedora/root as 
/dev/fedora_fedora/root filesystem: xfs.
Checking the disk space...
Use partclone with zstdmt to save the image.
Image file will not be split.
If this action fails or hangs, check:
* Is the disk full ?
Running: partclone.xfs -z 10485760 -L /var/log/partclone.log -c -s 
/dev/fedora_fedora/root --output - | zstdmt -c -3 --rsyncable > 
2> /tmp/img_out_err.SievhR
Partclone v0.3.20 http://partclone.org
Starting to clone device (/dev/fedora_fedora/root) to image (-)
Reading Super Block
Calculating bitmap... Please wait...
Elapsed: 00:00:01, Remaining: 00:00:00, Completed: 100.00%
Total Time: 00:00:01, 100.00% completed!
File system:  XFS
Device size:   16.1 GB = 3932160 Blocks
Space in use:   1.6 GB = 402052 Blocks
Free Space:    14.5 GB = 3530108 Blocks
Block size:   4096 Byte
Elapsed: 00:01:08, Remaining: 00:00:00, Completed: 100.00%, Rate:   1.45GB/min,
current block:    3019704, total block:    3932160, Complete: 100.00%
Total Time: 00:01:08, Ave. Rate:    1.5GB/min, 100.00% completed!
Syncing... OK!
Partclone successfully cloned the device (/dev/fedora_fedora/root) to the image 
Cloned successfully.
Checking the disk space...
>>> Time elapsed: 70.29 secs (~ 1.171 mins)
Change mode to 600 for these files: 
Finished saving /dev/fedora_fedora/root as 
Shutting down the Logical Volume Manager
  Shutting Down logical volume: /dev/fedora_fedora/root
  Shutting Down volume group: fedora_fedora
Finished Shutting down the Logical Volume Manager
Saving block devices info in 
Saving block devices attributes in 
Checking the integrity of partition table in the disk /dev/nvme0n1...
Reading the partition table for /dev/nvme0n1...RETVAL=0
Saving the primary GPT of nvme0n1 as 
/home/partimag/fedora36-beta-luks-20220507/nvme0n1-gpt-1st by dd...
34+0 records in
34+0 records out
17408 bytes (17 kB, 17 KiB) copied, 0.00653588 s, 2.7 MB/s
Saving the secondary GPT of nvme0n1 as 
/home/partimag/fedora36-beta-luks-20220507/nvme0n1-gpt-2nd by dd...
32+0 records in
32+0 records out
16384 bytes (16 kB, 16 KiB) copied, 0.00765095 s, 2.1 MB/s
Saving the GPT of nvme0n1 as 
/home/partimag/fedora36-beta-luks-20220507/nvme0n1-gpt.gdisk by gdisk...
The operation has completed successfully.
Saving the MBR data for nvme0n1...
1+0 records in
1+0 records out
512 bytes copied, 0.00572374 s, 89.5 kB/s
End of saveparts job for image /home/partimag/fedora36-beta-luks-20220507.
This image was saved successfully: fedora36-beta-luks-20220507
End of savedisk job for image fedora36-beta-luks-20220507.
Saving hardware info by lshw...
Saving DMI info...
Saving PCI info...
Saving S.M.A.R.T. data for the drive...
Saving OS info from the device...
Saving package info...
Checking if udevd rules have to be restored...
This program is not started by Clonezilla server, so skip notifying it the job 
is done.
Generating a tag file for this image...
Start checking the saved image fedora36-beta-luks-20220507 if restorable...
Setting the TERM as screen
The image to be checked: fedora36-beta-luks-20220507
This is a whole disk image, saved from harddrive: nvme0n1
The partition to be checked: nvme0n1p1 nvme0n1p2 nvme0n1p3
Checking the partition table in the image "fedora36-beta-luks-20220507"...
Checking nvme0n1...
Partition table type: gpt
The partition table file for this disk was found: nvme0n1, 
Checking the swap partition info in the image "fedora36-beta-luks-20220507"...
Checking nvme0n1...
Finding swap partition(s) in file 
Checking the MBR in the image "fedora36-beta-luks-20220507"...
GPT disk. No need to check MBR.
Checking the partition nvme0n1p1 in the image "fedora36-beta-luks-20220507"...
zstdmt -dc 
/home/partimag/fedora36-beta-luks-20220507/nvme0n1p1.vfat-ptcl-img.zst | 
LC_ALL=C partclone.chkimg -L /var/log/nvme0n1p1-img-chk.log  -s -
Partclone v0.3.20 http://partclone.org
Starting to check image (-)
Calculating bitmap... Please wait...
File system:  FAT32
Device size:  629.1 MB = 1228800 Blocks
Space in use:   7.6 MB = 14888 Blocks
Free Space:   621.5 MB = 1213912 Blocks
Block size:   512 Byte
Elapsed: 00:00:02, Remaining: 00:00:00, Completed: 100.00%, Rate: 228.68MB/min,
current block:      14928, total block:    1228800, Complete: 100.00%
Total Time: 00:00:02, Ave. Rate:  228.7MB/min, 100.00% completed!
Partclone successfully checked the image (-)
Checked successfully.
The image of this partition is restorable: nvme0n1p1
Checking the partition nvme0n1p2 in the image "fedora36-beta-luks-20220507"...
zstdmt -dc 
/home/partimag/fedora36-beta-luks-20220507/nvme0n1p2.xfs-ptcl-img.zst | 
LC_ALL=C partclone.chkimg -L /var/log/nvme0n1p2-img-chk.log  -s -
Partclone v0.3.20 http://partclone.org
Starting to check image (-)
Calculating bitmap... Please wait...
File system:  XFS
Device size:    1.1 GB = 262144 Blocks
Space in use: 166.5 MB = 40639 Blocks
Free Space:   907.3 MB = 221505 Blocks
Block size:   4096 Byte
Elapsed: 00:00:02, Remaining: 00:00:00, Completed: 100.00%, Rate:   4.99GB/min,
current block:     197217, total block:     262144, Complete: 100.00%
Total Time: 00:00:02, Ave. Rate:    5.0GB/min, 100.00% completed!
Partclone successfully checked the image (-)
Checked successfully.
The image of this partition is restorable: nvme0n1p2
LUKS header file found: 
LUKS crypttab file found: 
The LUKS mapped device name was not found in this file: 
Will name it arbitrarily. However, if the restored OS depends on that specified 
name, it might fail to boot.
5 4 3 2 1
LUKS device image exists, checking it...
Checking the device LV fedora_fedora-root in the image 
zstdmt -dc 
| LC_ALL=C partclone.chkimg -L /var/log/fedora_fedora-root-img-chk.log  -s -
Partclone v0.3.20 http://partclone.org
Starting to check image (-)
Calculating bitmap... Please wait...
File system:  XFS
Device size:   16.1 GB = 3932160 Blocks
Space in use:   1.6 GB = 402052 Blocks
Free Space:    14.5 GB = 3530108 Blocks
Elapsed: 00:00:08, Remaining: 00:00:00, Completed: 100.00%, Rate:  12.35GB/min,
current block:    3019704, total block:    3932160, Complete: 100.00%
Total Time: 00:00:08, Ave. Rate:   12.4GB/min, 100.00% completed!.52%
Partclone successfully checked the image (-)
Checked successfully.
The image of this partition is restorable: fedora_fedora-root
End of task_luks_img_check.
All the images of partition or LV devices in this image were checked and they 
are restorable: fedora36-beta-luks-20220507
Summary of image checking:
Partition table type: gpt
The partition table file for this disk was found: nvme0n1, 
The image of this partition is restorable: nvme0n1p1
The image of this partition is restorable: nvme0n1p2
LUKS header file found: 
LUKS crypttab file found: 
The image of this partition is restorable: fedora_fedora-root
All the images of partition or LV devices in this image were checked and they 
are restorable: fedora36-beta-luks-20220507
The mounted bitlocker device was not found. Skip unmounting it.
Now syncing - flush filesystem buffers...
Ending /usr/sbin/ocs-sr at 2022-05-07 08:56:47 UTC...
Press "Enter" to continue......
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