On Wed, Jun 15, 2016 at 01:17:34PM -0400, Josh Boyer wrote:
> > steps. But, it turned out that everyone in the room (and
> > teleconferenced in) felt pretty strongly that we actually should go
> > even further — not just a single container host, but a full container
> > cluster solution based on OpenShift Origin. So, rather than letting
> > _that_ linger, let's work on the next steps for _that_.
> Surprising.

Is it? That indicates something of a disconnect, I guess. It looked to
me like things were going this way for a while, and the thing I'm
surprised about is the unanimity of interest in doing it sooner rather
than later.

> > 5. Submit the general idea to the Council for approval to change
> >    Editions (I don't anticipate this being more than a rubber stamp,
> >    but we should definitely get that stamp.)
> When you do this, can you make sure to elaborate on why moving to
> Atomic+Openshift Origin is good for Fedora, what benefits it brings,
> and where that leaves other Fedora efforts around Cloud (and even
> Atomic Host)?  While that might all be self-evident to the Cloud WG
> members, it won't be to the entire Council and most definitely will
> not be to the greater Fedora ecosystem.

Thanks — that's good feedback. One possibility — especially as Fedora
Server does its own rethink — is for the Fedora Cloud Base to migrate
to Fedora Server WG. Another would be for it to continue as a Spin (or
the analog of that, now that we've redefined Spins to be desktop tech).
It might be a good idea to have a new mailing list for the new edition
WG, and keep this one focused on Cloud SIG stuff across all Editions.

As for Atomic... Atomic Host is a building block for the new thing, and
I think we'd continue to make that block available on its own to those
who want that, but not necessarily promote it.

> > 6. Submit any (probably several) Change requests to FESCo for required
> >    technical changes, and work with Design, Rel-Eng, QA, and etc. on
> >    those.
> I'm curious to see what those might be.

Design: Website refresh for sure. New logo. Possibly some UX work on
whatever we promote as an installer/configurator.

Re-Eng: We'll have to decide if we want to do two-week releases a la
current Atomic, or tie to the normal six-month schedule, or something
else. (Maybe three-month releases while the two-week Atomic Host
continues underneath?) Plus, possible multiple images for different
cluster roles; I dunno.

We'll also need a mirroring solution for ostrees. :-/

QA: Tim Flink was at the FAD and made it quite clear that the Fedora QA
team as it stands doesn't have bandwidth for more deliverables, but
would be glad to consult. We'll need to a) rely on a lot of automation
and b) bring in new people.

Matthew Miller
Fedora Project Leader
cloud mailing list

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