On Wed, Jun 15, 2016 at 02:09:51PM -0400, Josh Boyer wrote:
> > Thanks — that's good feedback. One possibility — especially as Fedora
> > Server does its own rethink — is for the Fedora Cloud Base to migrate
> > to Fedora Server WG. Another would be for it to continue as a Spin (or
> > the analog of that, now that we've redefined Spins to be desktop tech).
> Have we formally redefined it as such?  I feel like either I've been
> asleep and missed a lot (I don't think so?), people are having
> discussions around these things in places that are harder to follow,
> or people are making assumptions.

I'm not sure about formality, but it's effectively so due to the new
website design, which has

  https://spins.fedoraproject.org/ "Alternative desktops for Fedora"


  https://labs.fedoraproject.org/ "Functional bundles for Fedora"

> Also, while not explicitly so, Atomic Host (more os-tree) is a
> foundation for the work that Workstation is looking at as well.  Which
> is where some of my surprise comes from I guess.  I thought we'd
> finally have some cohesion between the Editions, at least at a
> fundamentals level.  That's still possible I guess.

Yeah, I don't think that's necessarily in confict. It basically ends up
being two separate Editions built on Atomic technology.

> > Design: Website refresh for sure. New logo. Possibly some UX work on
> > whatever we promote as an installer/configurator.
> I don't see a need for a new logo.  It's throwing out the well done
> and now somewhat familiar branding work we've built up.  However,
> people like new pretty things so whatever.

Fortunately the https://getfedora.org/static/images/cloud-logo.png logo
*does* work well for "container cluster" as well. It was designed with
the idea of scale-out computing.

> > Re-Eng: We'll have to decide if we want to do two-week releases a la
> > current Atomic, or tie to the normal six-month schedule, or something
> > else. (Maybe three-month releases while the two-week Atomic Host
> > continues underneath?) Plus, possible multiple images for different
> > cluster roles; I dunno.
> I kind of think you want to stop calling them releases to be honest.
> They aren't releases in the grand Fedora sense of the word.  They're
> bundled and focused updates (service packs?) of content within the
> grand Fedora release cycle.

Sure, I'm open to another term.

Matthew Miller
Fedora Project Leader
cloud mailing list

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