On Wed, Nov 17, 2021 at 1:04 AM YiFei Zhu <zhuyifei1...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Tue, Nov 16, 2021 at 6:38 PM Huji Lee <huji.h...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> > I went back and reactivated the line in .bash_profile which enabled zsh 
> > ("exec zsh" as the last line of .bash_profile)
> >
> > Then I submitted the job to the grid, using a command like this:
> >
> > jsub -N "n"  -once -o ~/err/nightly.out -e ~/err/nightly.err 
> > ~/grid/jobs/nightly.sh
> >
> > I did it three ways. First, I used the nightly.sh file as is (see source). 
> > Second, I replaced "source" with "." and third I replaced "source" with 
> > "bash". In all three cases, it failed, without even producing an output or 
> > error. The nightly.out and nightly.err files were created of course, but 
> > were empty.
> >
> > Next, I added a "#!/bin/bash" shabang and ran it again all three ways. 
> > Result was the same.
> >
> > Running qstat many times shows that the job gets into a queued state ("qw") 
> > and after a few seconds, it goes into the run state ("r") and immediately 
> > stops.
> >
> > Removing the "exec zsh" command from .bash_profile will make things work 
> > again.
> >
> > Finally, I decided maybe the problem is that zsh is available for me, but 
> > not on the grid. So I change the .bash_profile ending from a single "exec 
> > zsh" command to this:
> >
> > if [ -f /usr/bin/zsh ]; then
> >     zsh
> > fi
> >
> > Under this config, jobs on the grid worked, and when I used "become" to 
> > login as my tool, I ended with zsh. Obviously, I am happy with this 
> > workaround. But I am still curious as to the root cause.
> >
> > Is it really that zsh is not available on the grid, and the grid tries to 
> > replicate my environment first and reaches the "exec zsh" command and falls 
> > apart somehow?
> >
> This is consistent with what I described earlier:
> > Since you have "exec zsh" in your
> > .bash_profile, bash will run it as startup as a login shell, which in
> > theory would immediately replace itself with zsh with no arguments.
> > zsh will then see it has no arguments, attempts to read script from
> > stdin and get nothing, and immediately exit, stopping the job in grid.
> However, now that you have "zsh" instead of "exec zsh", the "replace"
> is not done. bash as the login shell executes zsh as a subshell, and
> zsh, having no inputs, immediately exits. The execution continues as
> if nothing had ever happened.
> I just tested the behavior of a how bash invokes .bash_profile by
> adding a sleep 60 to .bash_profile, and have my test.sh have a
> shebang, a a job is submitted for both with explicit 'bash' and
> without, and it looks like .bash_profile is executed in bath cases:
>   sgeadmin   762  0.4  0.1 111020 16056 ?        Sl   Mar25 1383:08
> /usr/lib/gridengine/sge_execd
>   [...]
>   sgeadmin 20388  0.0  0.1  51468  8540 ?        S    07:57   0:00  \_
> /usr/lib/gridengine/sge_shepherd -bg
>   tools.z+ 20390  0.0  0.0  23580  3196 ?        Ss   07:57   0:00
>  \_ -bash -c /data/project/zhuyifei1999-test/test.sh
>   tools.z+ 20393  0.0  0.0   5796   672 ?        S    07:57   0:00
>      \_ sleep 60
>   sgeadmin   752  0.3  0.1 115112 16100 ?        Sl   Mar25 1313:16
> /usr/lib/gridengine/sge_execd
>   [...]
>   sgeadmin  8715  0.0  0.1  51468  8688 ?        S    07:57   0:00  \_
> /usr/lib/gridengine/sge_shepherd -bg
>   tools.z+  8717  0.0  0.0  23580  3324 ?        Ss   07:57   0:00
>  \_ -bash -c /bin/bash /data/project/zhuyifei1999-test/test.sh
>   tools.z+  8720  0.0  0.0   5796   656 ?        S    07:57   0:00
>      \_ sleep 60
> It did take me by surprise that it's still bash that invokes the given
> command, because bash was not in the process tree for a usual "jsub
> [...] python script.sh". For example, a non-continuous job typically
> looks like this:
>   sgeadmin 28386  0.0  0.1  51468  8588 ?        S    Nov15   0:00  \_
> /usr/lib/gridengine/sge_shepherd -bg
>   tools.f+ 28388  7.2  3.5 427144 293024 ?       Ss   Nov15 210:55  |
>  \_ /usr/bin/python pycore/pwb.py pycore/fawikibot/rade.py -newcat:10
> And a continuous one:
>   sgeadmin  3699  0.0  0.0  51464  4540 ?        S    Apr19   0:00  \_
> /usr/lib/gridengine/sge_shepherd -bg
>   tools.b+  3701  0.0  0.0   4280    68 ?        SNs  Apr19   0:00  |
>  \_ /bin/sh /var/spool/gridengine/execd/tools-sgeexec-0942/job_scripts/1302451
>   tools.b+  3702  0.2  2.8 505104 231092 ?       SNl  Apr19 674:45  |
>      \_ /usr/bin/python bot2.py
> There is no `-bash -c "python script.sh"`
> However, if you trace what's going on, for a non-interactive bash that
> only receives a single command, it will directly execve that command:
>   $ strace -e clone,execve bash -c '/bin/true'
>   execve("/bin/bash", ["bash", "-c", "/bin/true"], [/* 26 vars */]) = 0
>   execve("/bin/true", ["/bin/true"], [/* 25 vars */]) = 0
>   +++ exited with 0 +++
> It does not involve child processes from the fork-exec model you'd
> expect. Therefore, we can say that no matter what you do with the job
> submission, a bash non-interactive login shell will be executed to run
> the command you specified to jsub. And the mess of "bash replace
> itself with zsh which immediately exits because stdin is empty" will
> apply.
> I think it is important to clarify that a shell like bash has 4 modes
> of execution, defined by whether it is an interactive shell, and
> whether it is a login shell. The details for the modes in the case of
> bash you can find in its man page [1]. But tl;dr:
> Login shells:
> - Upon startup, sources /etc/profile, then the first one among
> ~/.bash_profile, ~/.bash_login, and ~/.profile, that exists.
> - `bash -l` and `-bash` (note the dash sign at the front) makes bash a
> login shell
> Non-login shells:
> - If also interactive, upon startup, sources ~/.bashrc
> Interactive shells:
> - DIsplays a prompt for each command
> Non-interactive shells:
> - Upon startup, sources $BASH_ENV if it exists
> - As we saw above, if the command is given in the command string in -c
> and there is only one command, bash does not fork-exec the command but
> execs the command directly.
> So you might wonder why the separation of login shells (profile) vs
> non-login shells (rc). The reason is some environments are inherited
> by subshells while others are not. Environment variables are
> inherited:
>   $ export FOO=bar
>   $ echo $FOO
>   bar
>   $ bash
>   $ echo $FOO
>   bar
> While things like aliases are not:
>   $ alias foo='echo bar'
>   $ foo
>   bar
>   $ bash
>   $ foo
>   bash: foo: command not found
> There are environment setups that get inherited but you do not want it
> to be executed over and over by subshells. For example, appending to
> $PATH (`export PATH="$PATH:/path/to/bin"`). If it is in rc instead of
> profile, every time you run an interactive bash subshell PATH gets
> longer and more redundant; hence $PATH setups normally go to profile
> instead of rc. Non-inheritable setups like aliases go to rc. And the
> separation between .bash_profile and .profile is just so that you can
> have a .bash_profile that uses bash-specific syntax. I never needed
> any so I always use .profile.
> And to have bash login shells also get the initialization from rc,
> .profile usually has a header like this:
>   # if running bash
>   if [ -n "$BASH_VERSION" ]; then
>       # include .bashrc if it exists
>       if [ -f "$HOME/.bashrc" ]; then
>           . "$HOME/.bashrc"
>       fi
>   fi
> And .bashrc:
>   # Test for an interactive shell
>   if [[ $- != *i* ]] ; then
>           # Shell is non-interactive.  Be done now!
>           return
>   fi
> I hope this makes sense. Let me know if not.
> Back to your question, let's see in what scenarios you would want to invoke 
> zsh:
> - Non-interactive shells: No, you don't want `bash command.sh` randomly exec 
> zsh
> - Interactive non-login shells: No, if you explicitly run `bash`, you
> want bash not zsh.
> - Interactive login shells. Yes, this is what `become tool` runs
> initially and you want bash here.
> Hence, to run in a login shell environment you'd want the .profile or
> .bash_profile. And interactive guard is simply [[ $- = *i* ]] in bash
> syntax, so what you want, expressed in code, is in .bash_profile:
>   if [[ $- = *i* ]]; then
>           exec zsh
>   fi
> As a side note, yes zsh exists on the grid hosts:
>   zhuyifei1999@tools-sgeexec-0901: ~$ ls -l {/usr,}/bin/zsh
>   -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 819744 Dec  1  2020 /bin/zsh
>   lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root      8 Nov 22  2018 /usr/bin/zsh -> /bin/zsh
> [1] https://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man1/bash.1.html#INVOCATION
> YiFei Zhu

Have you had a chance to take a look at it yet?

YiFei Zhu
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