hi brad,

Thanks for the advise, the license will not be issue and the
OpenRAVEConfig.cmake idea is excellent!

I have one question about case though. If it is OpenRAVE, then do all
the variables have to be prefixed with the correct case OpenRAVE? In
that case, would it be easier to do openrave-config.cmake and then
have openrave_XXX variables set? what is your advice here?

what about Windows? i doubt all users will be installing to C:\Program Files\...


2011/4/12 Brad King <brad.k...@kitware.com>:
> On 04/11/2011 02:20 AM, Rosen Diankov wrote:
>> My name is Rosen Diankov and am the main developer for a robotics
>> motion planning environment named OpenRAVE.
> Great, thanks for coming to us with this contribution.
>> Because we'll be always updating the URL, do you think we can setup
>> some automated way of cmake grabbing the latest FindOpenRAVE.cmake
>> whenever it gets updated, or is this something that I manage?
> We manually review all changes submitted so an automated process will not
> work.  However, as a maintainer you will be able to submit changes to our
> 'next' branch whenever you have them.
>> In any case, I will be the maintainer. My id on Mantis, CDash, and Git
>> is rdiankov, the email is rosen.dian...@gmail.com. When would it be
>> possible to commit?
> See the "publishing" instructions link in step 5 here:
>  http://www.cmake.org/Wiki/CMake:Module_Maintainers#New_Maintainer
> Please send me (off-list) a public SSH key for authentication.
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Here are a few comments on the module's current status:
> # OPENRAVE_FOUND - if OpenRAVE is found
> # OPENRAVE_VERSION_STRING - the version found
> # OPENRAVE_CXXFLAGS - extra flags
> # OPENRAVE_INCLUDE_DIRS - include directories
> # OPENRAVE_LIBRARY_DIRS - link directories
> # OPENRAVE_LIBRARIES - libraries to link plugins with
> # OPENRAVE_CORE_LIBRARIES - libraries to link openrave run-time with
> That looks good at a glance.
> # deprecated
> #
> # OPENRAVE_LINK_DIRS - deprecated
> # OPENRAVE_LIBRARY_RELEASE - the relase version
> # OPENRAVE_LIBRARY - a default library, with priority debug.
> # OPENRAVE_LIBRARY - a default library, with priority debug.
> You document OPENRAVE_LIBRARY twice.
> # Software License Agreement (Lesser GPL)
> This license is not acceptable.  Do you have rights (e.g. permission
> from all copyright holders and past contributors) to submit this code
> under CMake's license?  We use the OSI-approved BSD license.
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> As a developer of OpenRAVE, please consider an alternative way to
> help CMake find your project.  If you set up your project installation
> correctly then CMake doesn't even need a FindOpenRAVE module to locate
> it.  When CMake sees
>  find_package(OpenRAVE)
> it will look first for FindOpenRAVE.cmake in the CMAKE_MODULE_PATH and
> the CMake Modules directory, but if it doesn't find one then it instead
> enters "config" mode and starts looking for a package configuration file.
> In this mode it looks for a file called "OpenRAVEConfig.cmake" in places
> like
>  <prefix>/lib/cmake/OpenRAVE/OpenRAVEConfig.cmake
> If you provide a file like this with your distribution then applications
> will not need a FindOpenRAVE.cmake file at all.  This file is a CMake
> cross-platform equivalent of the openrave-config executable.
> See here for further information:
>  http://www.cmake.org/Wiki/CMake/Tutorials/Packaging
>  http://www.cmake.org/cmake/help/cmake-2-8-docs.html#command:find_package
> Thanks,
> -Brad
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