hi brad,

one more question. Even if a openrave-config.cmake file is present, we
should also have a Findopenrave.cmake file right?

After playing around with openrave-config.cmake, it turns out that
openrave_FOUND gets set to TRUE no matter how hard
openrave-config.cmake tries to set it to FALSE. (cmake 2.8.0)

Also, all the examples use find_package_handle_standard_args, but that
only sets the upper case variable OPENRAVE_FOUND.. does that mean i
have to use all upper case?

So I'm guessing that the fact that openrave-config.cmake is found
means an installation exists and we should use the prefix set during
cmake to fill the include directories, etc?

In other words openrave-config.cmake would just look like:

set(openrave_INCLUDE_DIRS "XXX")
set(openrave_LIBRARIES openrave)
set(openrave_VERSION_STRING "x.x.x")


2011/4/12 Brad King <brad.k...@kitware.com>:
> On 04/11/2011 02:20 AM, Rosen Diankov wrote:
>> My name is Rosen Diankov and am the main developer for a robotics
>> motion planning environment named OpenRAVE.
> Great, thanks for coming to us with this contribution.
>> Because we'll be always updating the URL, do you think we can setup
>> some automated way of cmake grabbing the latest FindOpenRAVE.cmake
>> whenever it gets updated, or is this something that I manage?
> We manually review all changes submitted so an automated process will not
> work.  However, as a maintainer you will be able to submit changes to our
> 'next' branch whenever you have them.
>> In any case, I will be the maintainer. My id on Mantis, CDash, and Git
>> is rdiankov, the email is rosen.dian...@gmail.com. When would it be
>> possible to commit?
> See the "publishing" instructions link in step 5 here:
>  http://www.cmake.org/Wiki/CMake:Module_Maintainers#New_Maintainer
> Please send me (off-list) a public SSH key for authentication.
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Here are a few comments on the module's current status:
> # OPENRAVE_FOUND - if OpenRAVE is found
> # OPENRAVE_VERSION_STRING - the version found
> # OPENRAVE_CXXFLAGS - extra flags
> # OPENRAVE_INCLUDE_DIRS - include directories
> # OPENRAVE_LIBRARY_DIRS - link directories
> # OPENRAVE_LIBRARIES - libraries to link plugins with
> # OPENRAVE_CORE_LIBRARIES - libraries to link openrave run-time with
> That looks good at a glance.
> # deprecated
> #
> # OPENRAVE_LINK_DIRS - deprecated
> # OPENRAVE_LIBRARY_RELEASE - the relase version
> # OPENRAVE_LIBRARY - a default library, with priority debug.
> # OPENRAVE_LIBRARY - a default library, with priority debug.
> You document OPENRAVE_LIBRARY twice.
> # Software License Agreement (Lesser GPL)
> This license is not acceptable.  Do you have rights (e.g. permission
> from all copyright holders and past contributors) to submit this code
> under CMake's license?  We use the OSI-approved BSD license.
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> As a developer of OpenRAVE, please consider an alternative way to
> help CMake find your project.  If you set up your project installation
> correctly then CMake doesn't even need a FindOpenRAVE module to locate
> it.  When CMake sees
>  find_package(OpenRAVE)
> it will look first for FindOpenRAVE.cmake in the CMAKE_MODULE_PATH and
> the CMake Modules directory, but if it doesn't find one then it instead
> enters "config" mode and starts looking for a package configuration file.
> In this mode it looks for a file called "OpenRAVEConfig.cmake" in places
> like
>  <prefix>/lib/cmake/OpenRAVE/OpenRAVEConfig.cmake
> If you provide a file like this with your distribution then applications
> will not need a FindOpenRAVE.cmake file at all.  This file is a CMake
> cross-platform equivalent of the openrave-config executable.
> See here for further information:
>  http://www.cmake.org/Wiki/CMake/Tutorials/Packaging
>  http://www.cmake.org/cmake/help/cmake-2-8-docs.html#command:find_package
> Thanks,
> -Brad
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