As an experiment on the MinGW/MSYS/wine platform I tried to
build cmake from the bash.exe command line as follows:

cmake -G "MSYS Makefiles" \
"-DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/z/home/wine/newstart1/cmake/install" \
/z/home/software/cmake/cmake-$CMAKE_VERSION >& cmake.out

make >& make.out

where CMAKE_VERSION=2.8.5,
the above cmake command is executed with the windows binary version of
cmake-2.8.5 you
can download from kitware, make is the MSYS version, and I
am using the 20110802 version of MinGW/MSYS.

That make command errored out part way through with the following messages:

[ 35%] Building C object 
 error: conflicting types for 'archive_read_data'
 note: previous declaration of 'archive_read_data' was here
 error: conflicting types for 'archive_read_data_into_buffer'
 note: previous declaration of 'archive_read_data_into_buffer' was here
make[2]: *** 
 Error 1
make[1]: *** 
[Utilities/cmlibarchive/libarchive/CMakeFiles/cmlibarchive.dir/all] Error 2
make: *** [all] Error 2

If you compare the types of archive_read_data and
archive_read_data_into_buffer in archive_read.c versus
archive.h, the *.c versions are

archive_read_data(struct archive *_a, void *buff, size_t s)

archive_read_data_into_buffer(struct archive *a, void *d, ssize_t len)

while the *.h versions are

__LA_DECL __LA_SSIZE_T archive_read_data(struct archive *,
                    void *, size_t);

__LA_DECL int archive_read_data_into_buffer(struct archive *,
                void *buffer, __LA_SSIZE_T len);

So it appears on the MinGW/MSYS/wine platform at least that

something is screwed up with the __LA_DECL and/or __LA_SSIZE_T macros.

This is a regression on successful cmake builds on MinGW/MSYS/wine that I have
done before.  However, I am not sure whether it is the new MinGW/MSYS
(the new 20110802 version versus 20101030), the new wine (1.3.27
versus 1.3.9), or the new CMake version (2.8.5 versus 2.8.3) that is the
culprit here, but we should know more about that if somebody can tell
me where the above macros are #defined.

Note, I can do some experimentation with MinGW/MSYS/wine, but it
should be intelligently focussed rather than brute force because the
whole platform has a huge latency (literally a second) for every time
cmake, make, or g++ are executed (and probably most other commands as
well, although I have found at least one command in that environment
[echo done from bash] that is just as fast as on Linux).  As we know,
cmake itself and well as the Makefile approach it configures tends to
split stuff up into many little commands so when you multiply 1 second
latency time the number of those commands, all cmake runs and make
runs slow down dramatically when compared to the Linux platform. So,
for example, I had to wait an hour or so for the above cmake command
to finish that configured the cmake build.  I have complained in the
past about 0.1 second latencies for wine-1.3.9, but the current
wine-1.3.27 seems to be ten (!) times worse in this regard.

Despite this current latency drawback, the cmake/MinGW/MSYS/wine platform is
quite useful for testing for Windows build issues if you don't want to
spend a lot of time/effort/money on installing Microsoft Windows on
your computer.

For example, the above could be a MinGW/MSYS build issue that also
occurs for Microsoft Windows for cmake-2.8.5 and the 20110802 version
of MinGW/MSYS (the version that is automatically downloaded now
by the automated MinGW/MSYS installer you can download using

wget " MinGW

Has anybody tried that version of MinGW/MSYS on Microsoft Windows to
build cmake-2.8.5?  It is possible the same build-time error will show
up under those conditions.

Alan W. Irwin

Astronomical research affiliation with Department of Physics and Astronomy,
University of Victoria (

Programming affiliations with the FreeEOS equation-of-state
implementation for stellar interiors (; the Time
Ephemerides project (; PLplot scientific plotting
software package (; the libLASi project
(; the Loads of Linux Links project (;
and the Linux Brochure Project (

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