On 10/12/2011 2:22 AM, Stephen Kelly wrote:
using set(CMAKE_LINK_INTERFACE_LIBRARIES "") should be the same as using

target_link_libraries(libA LINK_INTERFACE_LIBRARIES "")

for each library.

It is.  The example under discussion has the same behavior even if you
explicitly set it on each target.

It works for me, but I don't know why it doesn't work for you. Maybe Brad
can have some insight?

The Modules/Platform/Darwin.cmake contains these lines:

 # Need to list dependent shared libraries on link line.  When building
 # with -isysroot (for universal binaries), the linker always looks for
 # dependent libraries under the sysroot.  Listing them on the link
 # line works around the problem.

which were added here:


The behavior we are seeing in the test on Apple can be changed to the
expected behavior by adding


to the CMakeLists.txt file.  However, I don't remember the details of why
I had to add that to Darwin.cmake in the first place.  Hopefully there is
a better fix for the original problem.


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