On 6/8/2012 12:38 PM, Peter Kümmel wrote:

I've pushed it to next to see if the BuildDepends test also passes on
the build server.

If someone giv it a try, I've uploaded binaries here


You need cmake and ninja (ninja/master, copy it into cmake's bin/).

I just tried to run an experimental dashboard and it failed.

I think it was because my cmake build had a space in the path:

command = C:/Users/hoffman/Work/My Builds/cmake-gmake/bin/cmcldeps.exe $in $out.d $out "Note: including file: " C:\PROGRA~2\MICROS~1.0\VC\bin\cl.exe /nologo $FLAGS $DEFINES /Fo$out /Fd$TARGET_PDB -c $in
  description = Building C object $out

ninja gives this:

$ ../ninja/ninja
[1/437] Building C object Utilities\KWIML\test\CMakeFiles\cmIML_test.dir\test.c.obj
ninja: FATAL: CreateProcess: %1 is not a valid Win32 application.



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