On Thu, May 23, 2013 at 01:13:12PM -0400, David Cole wrote:

> > > Explicit lists violate DRY
> > > http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Don't_repeat_yourself
> No, this doesn't apply :-)
> By having some files lying around in a directory I did not state 
> anything, so I do not repeat myself in the CMakeLists.txt ;-)

Quoting myself from the previous email:

Files don't just happen to be lying around in directories. You have to
create them in a specific path, with a specific name. Even if the act of
creation was performed by another developer, on another machine, that
information is written to disk in the course of a VCS checkout.

So, yeah, you're repeating information that's already there.

> The contents of the CMakeLists.txt are the reference.

The contents of the directory rules. If you remove a file from it,
there's nothing you can do in a CMakeList to help it. If you add a file
to it and you use GLOBs, there's nothing that you need to do in a
CMakeList for it to be built. (*)

In other words - I could create, modify, rename and remove source files
by using the file system alone and have everything work. I could not do
the same in CMakeLists alone. That's the hallmark of an authoritative
source of information, one that's, by definition, safer to rely on.

> The problem is Wojciech is saying one thing as a CMake newbie, and the 
> CMake devs are hearing it through the filter they've learned.
> The problem, as I hear it, is that a project new to CMake wants to make 
> CMakeLists files as quickly as possible and get something building. At 
> first glance, using glob, when you have more than just a handful of 
> source files, seems like an attractive option from a new-to-CMake 
> dude's perspective.


Many of your new users will be coming from the make world, where using
wildcards is not problematic the way it is in CMake. I guess that just
makes it that much more of a surprise for these users to learn, that
GLOBs don't work quite the way they expected.

What's the point of GLOBs anyway if you only reliably expand them once ?
Who wants a snapshot of the past state of a location on disk in a build
system ?

> People who are not used to CMake (perhaps) don't realize that when you 
> edit a CMakeLists file, or any of its inputs, the expectation is that 
> simply typing "make" will do a build, re-running cmake as needed, and 
> only when needed.


It's a great UI design principle. Perhaps the most obvious and most
significant one.

What's so special about CMake, that it's ok for you guys to break that
principle, but not ok for others ? Is there a reason, or is it just a
side-effect of the implementation with some rationalization on top ?

> Perhaps the solution to this problem is to provide some easy ways of 
> generating CMakeLists files for projects that are moving to CMake from 
> some other build system. It's a real-world problem that seems mostly to 
> be solved by brute force typing on a per-project basis. I know a couple 
> people out there have done some scripts, but there's probably room for 
> a tool or script that could just analyze a directory structure of 
> source files and come up with a "suggested set of CMakeLists.txt files."

I can do `echo *.cpp >>CMakeLists.txt', that's not a big problem. And I
certainly wouldn't use a special tool just for that.

> Either system of specifying build files (explicit lists, or implicit 
> "all files existing on disk that match this file extension") can work. 

All the more reason to give users a choice.

> When somebody asks about "GLOB," we CMake devs have a learned "GLOBs 
> are evil, don't use them" response that we make out of habit. 

If you take a step back, forget about the CMake internals for a moment
and read that sentence again - does it sound ok to you ?


(*) At least if you use my module, or patch CMake to re-expand GLOBs
every time you call the build tool.

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