On 2013-12-18 11:52, Brad King wrote:
On 12/10/2013 04:57 PM, Matthew Woehlke wrote:
Thanks. Are there any guidelines on documenting the parameters of CMake
functions/macros? I didn't see that in the mentioned document.

No convention has been established so there is none to document yet.
We can see if any dominant form emerges.

* ``VAR``: Output variable into which the result will be placed.
* ``SEP``: String used to join adjacent tokens.
* ``<ARGN>``: Tokens to be joined.

I suggest using a definition list instead.

Like this?

  (List) Additional options to pass to Shiboken.

That's what I ended up using... maybe should have followed up to mention that :-). Thanks.

Related; is there a way to turn a CMake module file (that is outside of
CMake's module directory) into (e.g. HTML) documentation?

No, and I don't want there to be a way to do this with "cmake".
It will limit our ability to refactor the internal document
generation in the future.

Does this mean one cannot e.g. use the CMake extensions and/or link to topics in CMake's documentation (provided a known location of the same)?

Maybe it would help if I rephrase the question:

I have a CMake module that is going to be provided by another project (i.e. will not live in the CMake repository). It has RST documentation. I would like to be able to generate HTML from that. How would you recommend to do so?

I expect this is going to be not an unusual problem...



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