My stumbling blocks are the use of keywords instead of operators...

if( Something == ${SomeOtherThing} )
if( Something STREQUAL ${SomeOtherTHing} )

It might be nice if the operator '=' could be used in addition to the
function SET()

SET( a something )
A = something

Was gong to say 'I understand that it would be difficult' but ... not
really, if the first word isn't a 'keyword' (Function/Macro name) then
if the next token is a = instead of a ( then assume it's a SET ....

Re: "no return values for functions"  that's not true... this script
sets the return value just fine...

cmake_minimum_required( VERSION 3.0 )

macro( SomeFunc ReturnVal )
   set( ${ReturnVal} SomeResult )
endmacro( SomeFunc )

SomeFunc( RetVal )
message( "and we have a result of " ${RetVal} )
output : and we have a result of SomeResult

J/K : I think the alternative language should be LISP; oh wait that's
already what it is. other than the function is outside of the parens

One of the last comments mentioned something about.... the named
parameters passed to methods like

                  FOLDER utils
                  COMPILE_DEFINTIIONS "SomeOtherSyms"

Is at first a little confusing... but at least I don't have some
required order where I have to isnert a bunch of blank ',,,,,,' to get
to the option I want to use.

It might be nice if there were methods to define your own syntax for
these things for use in passing options to MACRO where as you iterate
through the ARGN members it can trigger some sort of state table
lookup/dispatch... but then I really don't have a use for such a thing
in the reality of switching to cmake maybe 5 years ago.

Re: Profile-ability of CMake.  I haven't yet found anywhere that I
would blame any part of the build process slowness on CMAKE, but
rather on the build tools themselves (CygWin or MinGW for instances).
Although... there is One project I often rebuild (OpenAL) which uses a
bunch of CHECK_FUNCTION_EXISTS(snprintf HAVE_SNPRINTF) which seems to
be pretty slow.   But Really, I think the target rules would be better
to test CMAKE_COMPILER_IS_ and WIN32/UNIX variables to get that
result.  There's certainly less permutations to test that way than
testing for each function that might exist; since the variations are
limited to environments (each generator) with perhaps a minor off case
for some toolchains.  But I guess that was put in to satisy autotool
people coming to a different build system.

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