
I used CMake to create an MS VC7 solution configuration in order to import a multi-directory project into the Visual Studio IDE, where I want to build it to take advantage of the debugger, and DLL capabilities.

I was very pleased to generate all the solution and project files using CMake, since trying to bring the project into VS by hand looked to be a difficult job, and one that I did not know how to do.

I think I don't understand something about CMake, though. When I build any of the 5 projects that were created (the 3 file directories, ALL_BUILD, and INSTALL), the first thing that happens, according to the build log, is that CMake is invoked.

Could someone kindly tell me why this happens, if it needs to happen, what I can do about it, and comment in general about what role CMake plays in the MS IDE after the solution/projects are created in the first place?

My impression was that CMake created the native build environment (in this case the MS solution/projects) where none existed before, and that was the extent of it's job. It seems to want to continue to be a "player", and so there is clearly something I don't understand.

I'm also constantly getting messages that my project has changed "outside the IDE", and I wonder if /expect that CMake is causing this ...

Guidance and instruction by those who could explain some of this would be very much appreciated. Thanks!

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