Does anyone else have the problem that Visual Studio will only detect a
modified project and prompt to reload it ONCE.  After that, you will not
get prompted again (even when you build ALL_BUILD or run cmake outside
of visual studio, or whatever.  Cmake is working correctly and is
rebuilding the project files, but VS is not prompting to reload it).

Anyone else notice this problem with VS.Net 2003?  Anyone know how to
fix it?

Yes. I also notice this, but having lived with it for some years, I just
instinctively know that I need to 'close solution' and 'reopen solution'
(because I've done a rebuild or a rerun of cmake etc etc)

It seems to do it less with the most recent CMakes. Perhaps some subtle
change has occurred, but you'll get used to it. Perhaps when I upgrade
to 2005 the issue will disappear.


You are not compelled to close and reopen the entire solution.
In Tools-->Options-->Environment-->Keyboard set a shortcut for this 2 commands :
I'm used to set "Alt+shift+R" and  "Alt+shift+U"
Then you click on the project in the solution explorer windows and press your shortcut, it should work.
I hope it will save you some time.

Sylvain Benner

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