All of the dll files in your listing begin with "Qt" -- all of the .a files
begin with "libQt" -- if you want to copy the dll files, use the exact name
of the dll files as input... So. Begin them with "Qt" and not "libQt"...

Is it Monday?

On 12/12/06, Mike Jackson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

OK.. I guess I am just new to this whole software development thing and
computer thing.. those 8 years are just NOT paying off..

I built Qt.. All of Qt.. Every Single Bit of Qt. this INCLUDES the
libQt*.dll files. The files are there. I built them. I installed them. I can
see them from Windows Explorer. The files are there.. Granted I did not have
the naming correct in the first post but now everything except the "/" seems
correct. I have NO control over how CMake puts the path separators in.

Let's take a step back from this for a sec. I re-read the "Mastering
CMake" book section that deals with this. From what I can gather there are
two possibilities here.

I am wrong and I still don't have a clue (Most likely)
CMake doesn't support the copying under mingw makefiles. (Least likely)

Here is the directory listing for my Qt Build. Which was built with MinGW.

Mode                LastWriteTime     Length Name
----                -------------     ------ ----
-a---        12/11/2006   2:04 PM      18700 libQtAssistantClient4.a
-a---        12/11/2006   1:53 PM    1728682 libQtCore4.a
-a---        12/11/2006   2:08 PM    2018498 libQtDesigner4.a
-a---        12/11/2006   2:10 PM      12636 libQtDesignerComponents4.a
-a---        12/11/2006   2:01 PM    6324386 libQtGui4.a
-a---        12/11/2006   1:49 PM       4622 libqtmain.a
-a---        12/11/2006   2:02 PM     304072 libQtNetwork4.a
-a---        12/11/2006   2:03 PM     153046 libQtOpenGL4.a
-a---        12/11/2006   2:01 PM     290158 libQtSql4.a
-a---        12/11/2006   2:02 PM      77426 libQtSvg4.a
-a---        12/11/2006   2:05 PM      40066 libQtTest4.a
-a---        12/11/2006   2:06 PM    1010752 libQtUiTools.a
-a---        12/11/2006   2:06 PM    6821400 libQtUiToolsd.a
-a---        12/11/2006   1:54 PM     342170 libQtXml4.a
-a---        12/12/2006   1:06 PM       4060 more.txt
-a---        12/11/2006   2:04 PM        696 QtAssistantClient.prl
-a---        12/11/2006   2:04 PM      43008 QtAssistantClient4.dll
-a---        12/11/2006   2:04 PM        661 QtAssistantClientd.prl
-a---        12/11/2006   1:52 PM        775 QtCore.prl
-a---        12/11/2006   1:53 PM    1889792 QtCore4.dll
-a---        12/11/2006   1:52 PM        740 QtCored.prl
-a---        12/11/2006   2:06 PM        706 QtDesigner.prl
-a---        12/11/2006   2:08 PM    1823232 QtDesigner4.dll
-a---        12/11/2006   2:08 PM        738 QtDesignerComponents.prl
-a---        12/11/2006   2:10 PM    1785344 QtDesignerComponents4.dll
-a---        12/11/2006   2:08 PM        703 QtDesignerComponentsd.prl
-a---        12/11/2006   2:06 PM        671 QtDesignerd.prl
-a---        12/11/2006   1:54 PM        766 QtGui.prl
-a---        12/11/2006   2:01 PM    7656960 QtGui4.dll
-a---        12/11/2006   1:54 PM        731 QtGuid.prl
-a---        12/11/2006   1:49 PM        817 qtmain.prl
-a---        12/11/2006   1:49 PM        782 qtmaind.prl
-a---        12/11/2006   2:01 PM        778 QtNetwork.prl
-a---        12/11/2006   2:02 PM     463872 QtNetwork4.dll
-a---        12/11/2006   2:01 PM        743 QtNetworkd.prl
-a---        12/11/2006   2:02 PM        782 QtOpenGL.prl
-a---        12/11/2006   2:03 PM     242688 QtOpenGL4.dll
-a---        12/11/2006   2:02 PM        747 QtOpenGLd.prl
-a---        12/11/2006   2:01 PM        766 QtSql.prl
-a---        12/11/2006   2:01 PM     605696 QtSql4.dll
-a---        12/11/2006   2:01 PM        731 QtSqld.prl
-a---        12/11/2006   2:02 PM        766 QtSvg.prl
-a---        12/11/2006   2:02 PM     353280 QtSvg4.dll
-a---        12/11/2006   2:02 PM        731 QtSvgd.prl
-a---        12/11/2006   2:05 PM        677 QtTest.prl
-a---        12/11/2006   2:05 PM      74240 QtTest4.dll
-a---        12/11/2006   2:05 PM        642 QtTestd.prl
-a---        12/11/2006   2:05 PM        740 QtUiTools.prl
-a---        12/11/2006   2:05 PM        708 QtUiToolsd.prl
-a---        12/11/2006   1:53 PM        766 QtXml.prl
-a---        12/11/2006   1:54 PM     319488 QtXml4.dll
-a---        12/11/2006   1:53 PM        731 QtXmld.prl
-a---        11/27/2006   6:11 PM         76 README

I hope that helps clear up what I have on my system.


-----Original Message-----
From:   Christian Ehrlicher [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent:   Tue 12/12/2006 12:55 PM
Cc:     Mike Jackson
Subject:        Re: [CMake] Copying Files on Windows

Mike Jackson schrieb:
> Wow.. couldn't see the forest for the trees on that one.. So I changed
the Cmake code a bit..
>  #-- If we are on MinGW then copy the required libraries
>       #=== Copy in the Qt Libs===
>       SET (QTLIBS
>               libQtCore4.dll
>               libQtGui4.dll
>       )
>   FOREACH (depLib ${QTLIBS})
>               ADD_CUSTOM_COMMAND (
>                       TARGET A2BinGui
>                       POST_BUILD
>                       COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND}
>                       ARGS -E copy ${QT_LIBRARY_DIR}/${depLib}
>       )
>   ENDFOREACH (depLib)
> but I still get the same error.
> Error copying file "C:/Developer/SDKs/qt-4.2.2/lib/libQtCore4.dll" to
> I have verified that the initial file is where the path says it is..
No - there is also no libQtCore4.dll on windows... why don't you use the
cmake vars for this as I asked earlier?


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