On 3/13/07, Werner Smekal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi Pierre,

Hi Werner,

okay, I looked at FindSDL.cmake more carefully. First I think you should
make sure that SDL is actually found. You should have something like
this in you cmakeLists.txt:

   message( "Warning: SDL not found" )
endif( NOT SDL_FOUND )

or since you need it anyway for your package:

find_package(SDL REQUIRED)

Ok, I already had that.

than cmake stops if SDL isn't found (actually not, since FindSDL.cmake
misses this feature :).


Anyway, from what I see, you set the path SDLMAIN_LIBRARY, but libsdl.a
is not found, since you don't tell it where to find it. it is much
better to use environment variables here, e.g.

set CMAKE_LIBRARY_PATH=c:\sdl\lib
set CMAKE_INCLUDE_PATH=c:\sdl\include
cmake ..

or for msys

That works, but I think that FindSDL should ask for everything needed.
Eric, could you correct FindSDL accordingly?

Thanks to both of you to help me find the problem,

Pierre-André Galmes
Free Software consultant
StarXpert - www.starxpert.fr
6, rue Eugène Varlin - 75010 Paris
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