2007/8/2, Miguel A. Figueroa-Villanueva <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> <start rambling>
> I'm not sure where the problem is, but I'm certainly developing a
> love/hate relationship with eclipse ;) On the one hand it is a great
> tool, although a memory hog, that has quite a nice interface and great
> flexibility. I even used the refactoring "rename" tool to change the
> enum EclipseToolchainType naming!! I wish C++ was more refactoring
> friendly, just this one refactoring...

I did some dig on this and there seems to be plugins under dev just for that:

I did not find something usable with CDT4 though.

> On the other hand it seems that
> the most commonly used things are not supported yet... for example,
> nested projects and hierarchichal design to allow the source root to
> be placed anywhere.

True :))

> My current work around to this problem (and this should make it into
> the wiki page) is to have a CVS project created to check out the
> source. The location of this project seems to be required to be in the
> workspace. Then create an out-of-source build using the "Eclipse CDT4"
> generator, which will have the links to the source as usual. Use the
> CVS project to manage cvs/team interaction and the out-of-source
> project for development. You would have:

> workspace - ~/eclipse
> |
> -- CMake - cvs source checkout, ~/eclipse/CMake
> |
> -- cmake_bin - out-of-source build in ~/eclipse/cmake_bin
>                       that links to ~/eclipse/CMake sources

That's pretty clear but you end-up with 2 projects with
the CVS one which doesn't look like a CDT project ... such a shame.

> so changes during development will make it to the CMake source dir and
> the regular commit, update, etc interactions are supported through the
> CVS project.
It works but it seems awkward to me.

I would rather have (until Eclipse fits our needs)
in source build and a single CDT project with CVS action enabled.

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