2007/8/10, Bill Hoffman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> The process for configuring a cmake project has to be iterative because
> options can
> be nested inside if statements.   ccmake, cmake -i and CMakeSetup all do
> the following:
> 1. Configure
> 2. Write CMakeCache.txt
> 3. Did the CMakeCache.txt change ?   Yes-> Go back to 1
> 4. Allow the user to generate the project files.
> Given this, it will be impossible for a cmake project to ever automatically 
> have
> cmake --help.

I think I perfectly understand your point but I would
say that adding "pre-parsing" phase where
The main CMakeLists.txt "pre-parsed" in order to list
the OPTION and their desc statement would indeed be feasible

cmake -p would show INCONDITIONAL OPTION
cmake -p -v may show ALL OPTION flagging those which
may not be "resolved" without running CMake.

I don't ask you (or Kitware) to do it
since I personally don't NEED the feature.
However, I wanted to note that it seems "possible".
This may be an unwanted feature though if we wants
CMake users to be fully "aware" of
the CMake way of run you've described.

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