Hello Dizzy,

Dizzy wrote:
So you said you want some package made of some files, but a package means some files that eventually will be on the system in some locations (when the package is installed) so with cmake INSTALL() commands you specify how are those files to be installed (if the user would run a hypotethical "make install") and CPack will use that information to create the package ("CPack" has to know in what locations what files do you have, those are automatically determined based on the installation rules created with INSTALL).

Your last statement is exactly what I do not understand in the INSTALL command: You have to say in what locations what files you have *AND* they are automatically determined? (Isn't this a contradiction?)

Say, for an easy example, that i want to have the files installed in the directory where I do the build (or subdirectory).

What would be the command to write in CMakeLists.txt?

INSTALL(FILES a.h a.cpp, b.h b.cpp main.cpp DESTINATION .)


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