On 9/22/07, Goswin von Brederlow <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> "Brandon Van Every" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> >
> > If CMake considered it.  All I do is find the objects that CMake
> > already generated, then dump them directly into a library target.
> > CMake can swallow all kinds of stuff, *.c files, *.h files, *.o files,
> > whatever.
> >
> > This is part of why I think you guys should stop messing around with
> > non-CMake ways of doing things.  It either works and hey presto!
> Or it just goes horribly wrong in some hidden corner with totaly
> unpredictable effect and race conditions. That is why before
> introducing a concept like yours you have to think out what it all
> means.
> > you've got wonderful automagical cross-platform build stuff for no
> > work... or it doesn't work, and you're helping CMake improve by
> > submitting bug reports or feature requests.

Like I said the 1st time.  Help us improve CMake instead of working on
AR-specific stuff or wringing hands about theoretical bugs that
haven't been demonstrated yet.

> CMake will have to use AR to create the archive and it has to limit
> the command line. If it does multiple ar calls to add more and more
> objects it can easily overwrite exitsing entries if the wrong options
> are used. Also commandline overflow is much more likely with long
> pathnames. Maybe just nobody cared about it yet since it never happens
> for normal dirs. Also with a single dir name collisions won't happen
> while with multiple dirs they might.

So go look in the CMake sources and see if there are automated test
cases that address these issues to your satisfaction.  If there
aren't, write some and contribute them.  This is open source.

My method worked for my build.  I didn't make it public because I
didn't want to deal with the full support burden of proving that it
works everywhere for everything.  When pressured with competing, bad
solutions, I made it public.  But you still have to go to the bug
tracker and look up feature request #5155, so that's a barrier to
people making casual, uninformed use of it.  I'm not currently getting
paid to write test cases for it, so YMMV.

Brandon Van Every
CMake mailing list

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