> > > Also, does cmake have an idea of platforms, or does it assume
> >
> > CMake does not assume anything about Win32 or any other platform.
> What I mean is, in vcproj files combine the configuration and the
> platform
> labels to form a compilation target, i.e Release|Win32, Debug|x64.
> How do I go about specifying the platform parts of these with cmake?
> For example, I say I have 'Release', 'Debug', and 'Special'
> configurations, and Win32 and x64 platforms.  Now suppose that I only
> support the following configurations:
>       Release|Win32
>       Release|x64
>       Debug|Win32
>       Debug|x64
>       Special|x64
> How do I go about specifying that to cmake?

Answering my own question, after a bit of research, it appears that
cmake doesn't natively deal with cross-platform building for Visual
Studio Projects.  Instead it tests to see whether to generate Win32 or
x64 project file configurations.

In the environment we've got, we want to build Win32, Xbox 360 and
Playstation 3 binaries, all from a Win32 box.  I wonder what the best
way to tweak cmake to do this is.  My first thoughts are to do away with
Visual Studio altogether, as its vcproj files are pretty hard coded into
cmake.  Instead I'm playing with using a traditional make, but I still
need vcproj "external make" files, as the developers are using visual

I've ordered the book - perhaps I'll get some hints from there.

I'd be interested in hearing from anyone who is already doing this kind
of thing.
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