What about the debug/optimized flags for TARGET_LINK_LIBARIES()?  Do
these work right now by taking advantage of the fact that Debug,
Release, MinSizeRel, and RelWithDebInfo are hardcoded?

Also, judging by code in cmLocalVisualStudio7Generator.cxx any custom
build solutions that you would added would probably only work as release

    if(strcmp(configName, "Debug") == 0
       || strcmp(configName, "RelWithDebInfo") == 0)
      fout << "\t\t\t\tGenerateDebugInformation=\"TRUE\"\n";
I second this.

We had to "upgrade" the cmTarget sources to add the new configuration type and then use the LINK_LIBRARIES command correctly. Actually this is the only thing that prevent us from defining new configuration types without hardcoding anything, configuration types merely never change so this is not an annoying thing for us, but this is a big blocking issue if you want to add this feature in a release.

For the second thing, we added new entires in the flag map of the generator :

cmVS7FlagTable cmLocalVisualStudio7GeneratorMPLinkerFlagTable[] =

{"GenerateDebugInformation", "DEBUG", "Generate Debug Info", "TRUE"}, {"GenerateDebugInformation", "NODEBUG", "Don't Generate Debug Info", "FALSE"},


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