Sylvain Benner wrote:
What about the debug/optimized flags for TARGET_LINK_LIBARIES()?  Do
these work right now by taking advantage of the fact that Debug,
Release, MinSizeRel, and RelWithDebInfo are hardcoded?
We had to "upgrade" the cmTarget sources to add the new configuration type and then use the LINK_LIBRARIES command correctly. Actually this is the only thing that prevent us from defining new configuration types without hardcoding anything, configuration types merely never change so this is not an annoying thing for us, but this is a big blocking issue if you want to add this feature in a release.

My version of CMake with the following changes can be found at:

svn co svn:// CMake

Most notably is the support in TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES for multiple configs.


* Reservation of a 10 megabyte stack in Windows-cl.cmake is overkill. The default is 1 megabyte. Why is this here? I removed it. * Visual Studio 2005 doesn't understand /MACHINE:I386. I changed it to /MACHINE:X86. * All /debug linker entries were changed to /DEBUG. CMake deals with these in a case sensitive fashion. The Visual C++ linker does not, but all documentation has them all caps.


* Ability to find the wxAUI library.
* Can find wxWidgets 2.9 libraries.

Various .cxx files:

* I commented out the explicit checks for config names of Debug, Release, MinSizeRel, and RelWithDebInfo. In my projects, I use configs like Debug, Release, Profile, Armor, Release LTCG, and so on. Commenting out the explicit checks allows generation of those configs into the resulting .vcproj file. * Added support for .vcproj entries to help unclutter the command line: OptimizeReferences, EnableCOMDATFolding, GenerateDebugInformation, and TargetMachine. * Handle the source file property EXCLUDED_FROM_BUILD. This makes Visual Studio properly exclude the file from a .vcproj.
* Put CMake targets in a CMake_Targets solution folder in Visual Studio.
* Added support for TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(Target config::ConfigName libraries). This is probably the wrong way to go about doing it, but it works, and I made sure it was backward compatible with the TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES options 'debug' and 'optimized'. Different configurations require different external libraries, and specifying those link libraries per config helps immensely. Sadly, other important commands like INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES and LINK_DIRECTORIES are not config-sensitive for .vcproj files. I need to look into that more, unless someone has a better idea. This was, in part, talked about in this thread:

For instance:

TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(MyApp config::Debug wxmsw28d_core wxbase28d wxmsw28d_adv wxmsw28d_html wxbase28d_xml wxexpatd wxmsw28d_xrc wxmsw28d_gl wxjpegd wxpngd wxzlibd wxregexd wxdockitd wxmsw28d_propgrid) TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(MyApp config::Release wxmsw28_core wxbase28 wxmsw28_adv wxmsw28_html wxbase28_xml wxexpat wxmsw28_xrc wxmsw28_gl wxjpeg wxpng wxzlib wxregex wxdockit wxmsw28_propgrid) TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(MyApp config::ReleaseFinal wxmsw28_core wxbase28 wxmsw28_adv wxmsw28_html wxbase28_xml wxexpat wxmsw28_xrc wxmsw28_gl wxjpeg wxpng wxzlib wxregex wxdockit wxmsw28_propgrid)

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