Mike Jackson wrote:
> To help you out, here is a link to our CVS repository where you can check
> out some simple Qt Based Projects and hopefully get an idea of how to
> get started.
> http://titanium.imts.us/viewvc/Task_7/MXAViewer/

Thanks very much. I'll take a look.

> This is a Qt based HDF5 data viewer. The top level CMakeLists.txt file
> has everything that you might need to get started (Except qrc resources.
> Don't use any of them).

Could you expand on that ? It sounds like you don't like them.

> Once I had a few projects under my belt with CMake and Qt, I wouldn't
> think of doing it any other way.

I've only been playing with cmake for about 24 hours, and I already
feel that way. It's very impressive. The ease with which out-of-source
builds can be done is remarkable. I haven't yet tried the packaging
stuff though. I get the impression that that's all newer, less proven


Steve Collyer
Netspinner Ltd
CMake mailing list

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