So because a bunch of others are installing in /usr/bin you are going to do the same thing? What puzzles me is that the default CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX is set to /usr/local which seems kinda hypocritical to me. Either Kitware eats their own dog food or they believe they are different than every other developer out there that uses cmake.

What I really do NOT understand is that I have made a reasonably compelling argument, got buy-in from the linux and BSD camps and you still shoot it down with out giving any other type of argument other than "look at these other people, They are doing it also so it must be all right".

C'mon, that is a pretty poor argument. may or may not help. I don't think that helps terminal based apps.

Intel Compilers are installed in /opt/intel/.... and they have a Readme file that states you need to source their special environment file so your paths are adjusted properly.

MacPorts and Fink install everything in /opt/* and then append PATH= $PATH:/opt/bin to your .bash_profile.

Textmate throws their symlink into /usr/local/bin by default. PortingUnix/distributing/chapter_9_section_2.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/ TP40002855-BABGECFG

suggests the use of Bundles and installing system wide resources on first launch of the application.

Also, Apple provides /Library/* instead of /System/Library for third party installed items. Apples provides ~/Library for user installed items. Why would it be any different for /usr/bin versus /usr/local/bin title=Installing_Unix_Software_by_Hand also suggests installing in / usr/local.

I would suggest using the latest package maker application on OS X. It looks like you can let the user select where to install the software. This would eliminate this argument entirely.

Mike Jackson
imikejackson & gmail * com

On Dec 21, 2007, at 8:06 PM, Bill Hoffman wrote:

Looks like mono installs into /usr/bin:

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