A Dimecres 16 Gener 2008, Brandon Van Every va escriure:
> On Jan 16, 2008 12:16 PM, Leopold Palomo-Avellaneda <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> > without any problem. Howeber, when I try to compile the project in OSX, I
> > can compile the libs, one exec but it fails with the first plugin. I have
> > isolated the problem in this:
> >
> > Linking CXX shared library libpluginregistrodeiva.dylib
> > Undefined symbols:
> >
> > I don't have any special consideration with the OSX platform (CMake is
> > wonderfull, isn't it?) but it fails in this. It seems that the compiler,
> > when link the plugin try to find anything that doesn't find (in linux it
> > finds...)
> I wonder if this is the "Apple linker always prefers dynamic libs"
> problem.  Search the mailing list archives for that.

I have this:

add_library(${plugin} SHARED ${plugin_SRC} ${plugin_MOC_SRCS}
        ${plugin_UIS_H} ${plugin_SRCS} ${plugin_MOCS})

set_target_properties( ${plugin} PROPERTIES

the plugin is shared ... 

I don't know what are your reffering to search in the mailing list because I 
have done some search without any interesting result.

Best regards,

CMake mailing list

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