A Dimecres 16 Gener 2008, Mike Jackson va escriure:
> On Jan 16, 2008, at 1:36 PM, Leopold Palomo-Avellaneda wrote:
> > A Dimecres 16 Gener 2008, Bill Hoffman va escriure:
> >> Leopold Palomo-Avellaneda wrote:
> >>> A Dimecres 16 Gener 2008, Bill Hoffman va escriure:
> >>>> Leopold Palomo-Avellaneda wrote:
> >>>
> >>> Linking CXX shared library libpluginregistrodeiva.dylib
> >>> Undefined symbols:
> >>>   "aplinteligentesview::aplinteligentesview(Empresa*, QWidget*)",
> >>> referenced from:
> >>>       linprevcobro::creaPago()      in linprevcobro.o
> >>>   "aplinteligentesview::setfechaasiento(QString)", referenced from:
> >>>       linprevcobro::creaPago()      in linprevcobro.o
> >>>   "regivaprintview::regivaprintview(Empresa*, QWidget*)", referenced
> >>> from: ListRegistroIvaView::boton_print()       in
> >>> listregistroivaview.o
> >>
> >> OK, so all these symbols are from your stuff.  I think I know the
> >> problem. Linux allows for shared libraries to have undefined symbols,
> >> and the mac does not.  You need to add some
> >> target_link_libraries(libpluginregistrodeiva ...)
> >>
> >> Stuff into your cmake file.
> >
> > I have it .....
> >
> > target_link_libraries(${plugin} bulmalib ${QT_LIBRARIES} $
>   I think you either need more libraries in the above statement or
> you are not compiling enough source files into the bulmalib library.
> For instance where is aplinteligentesview defined? Is is a part of
> the bulmalib library?

I'm compiling a plugin for the bulmacont app. Bulmacont is linked against 

aplinteligentesview is defined in bulmacont src and it's not a part of 


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