On 27.01.08 20:40:05, Brad King wrote:
> Andreas Pakulat wrote:
>> Also I noticed that the linker line doesn't contain an option that gives
>> gcc the kde4 library dir to search for kde libs. This is another thing
>> which broke things for me here, i.e. ld complains that -lsolid cannot be
>> found (as you can see below there's a solid entry in the kio-line).
> That means there is a bug in the kde4 build system.  It is using -lsolid to 
> link a library but did not specify a link_directories call to add the 
> appropriate library directory.  It worked before as a side-effect of 
> CMake's previous linking implementation which added -L for everything (and 
> another library that was specified with a full path appears in the 
> directory containing the solid library).

Ok, I'll inform kde-buildsystem as this will probably need some time to
be fixed...

> The linking implementation is going through an overhaul so there have been 
> more changes since your original post.  Please update to the latest CVS 
> CMake and try again.

The latest cvs as of this morning didn't "fix" the problem either.

> There is a compatibility feature to work around projects with this bug.  It 
> is enabled if you set CMAKE_BACKWARDS_COMPATIBILITY to 2.4 or lower.  You 
> can also explicitly enable the work-around by running this in your build 
> tree:

That last one works well and also setting the COMPATIBILITY flag to 2.4
works fine.


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