> From: Anteru <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> I'm currently converting a fairly large project over to CMake.

This is how I got into CMake, albeit without the x86/x64 wrinkle.  It
took some effort to switch the project over, but I am very glad we did.

Caveat: The following is based on a much older version of CMake which
I've been using for the same project for about five years.

>    * I want to name my debug libraries with a trailing 'd'. I use
> However, MyTarget is a unit-test runner and I want to execute it using
> ADD_COMMAND as described here
> n_use_the_executable_to_generate_a_file.3F
> albeit without the output:
>       TARGET MyTarget
>       POST_BUILD
>   )
> This works fine for release, but not for debug, as it always returns
> name without the prefix. How is this supposed to work?

We've always done it like this on the biggest project I have under

        TARGET my_target
        COMMAND "${my_project_BINARY_DIR}/my_path/my_unit_test"

In cases where we needed the debug file name to be different from the
release file name, we defined a variable for that file name, with an IF
command to determine whether the variable is defined as the release file
name or the debug file name.  Then we would just write "${MY_UNIT_TEST}"
instead of "my_unit_test".  But we also invoke CMake from a script that
sets the variable BUILD_RELEASE when we want to build in "release" mode,
so we have an obvious IF condition.  I suspect there's a way to test for
debug or release if you don't do this, but I've never bothered to find

>    * Is there a way to force both Debug and Release to end up in the
> same folder? The VC++ project builder seems to put Debug into
> EXECUTABLE_OUTPUT_PATH/Debug always, and I found no way to force it to
> put both into the same. Rationale behind this is that my project needs
> some more files in order to run, and I'd like to put the binaries
> into this data folder (instead of copying the data around during
> pre/post-build ...).

We do this:


Actually, we use a CMake MACRO definition to invoke this and a bunch of
other commands on each library and executable we build, so we have, for
example, "${exe_file_name}.exe" instead of "my_executable" for an
executable output, where "exe_file_name" is a parameter of the MACRO.
But that's because we build many libraries and executables, and it would
have been quite tedious to have to maintain all the commands for each
one independently.

There's probably a way to do these things that uses CMake to do more of
the details, but I've taken the approach to rely on CMake to get the
basics right (which it does very well, for things that would be very
hard for me to do without it), and to do the fancy stuff myself on top
of that.  That's why I have about four or five different scripts to
invoke CMake with different sets of variables defined depending on what
kind of build I want to make.

David Karr

CMake mailing list

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