Brandon Van Every schrieb:
> does have a searchbox at
> the top.  It forwards to a Kitware webpage that performs broader
> searches than just CMake.  I don't consider this to be entirely
> desirable behavior, but it is often passable.  If it isn't, then I
> suggest using Google Advanced Search directly on the URL
> .  The latter is a trick
> you can generally use for any mailing list archive, unless the archive
> has been made invisible to non-subscribers.

This is rather interesting: Searching for "postfix execute" in the Search Box leads to -- it does not search the archives properly, at least it didn't find anything useful? OTOH, searching via Google and restricting the site does turn up some valid results:

Searching the archives with Yahoo also ends up with no results. That's why I supposed there is some anti-search-engine stuff going on first.

The suggested workaround for the debug/release folder problem seems to be setting the PREFIX to "../". This does solve the problem; is there some better/cleaner solution for this? Otherwise I'll stick with it.

Leaves the other problem only, seems it has been discussed already ( without a definite answer whether it is a bug or not.

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